
FDC Party Prepares for Delegates Conference today

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The Najjanankumbi faction of the FDC, headed by Patrick Amuriat Oboi and Nathan Nandala Mafabi, have formally requested police protection in anticipation of the Lugogo Delegates Conference this Friday.

This measure is aimed at thwarting potential threats to the Najjanankumbi party headquarters posed by the Katonga faction, led by interim party president Ssalongo Erias Lukwago and Rtd Col. Dr. Kiiza Besiggye.

The Amuriat faction asserts that they possess intelligence indicating that the Katonga faction has intentions to seize control of the party headquarters in Najjanamkumbi while they gather at Lugogo for the delegates conference.

This move by the Amuriat faction coincides with the Katonga faction’s declared intent to reclaim party headquarters in Najjanankumbi on the same day, as supporters of Amuriat gather at Lugogo to choose new party leaders.

Yesterday, FDC has set up different tables where delegates from specific regions are being accredited. The party Chairman for the Electoral Commission Boniface Bamwenda Toterebuka on Monday said a total of 1,271 delegates shall be accredited to take part in the delegates conference where a new party National Executive Committee-NEC shall be elected.

More than two hundred individuals affiliated with the Forum for Democratic Change-FDC party  gathered at the party’s headquarters in Najjanankumbi, Kampala, to undergo the accreditation process required for participation in the upcoming official delegates’ conference scheduled for today.

The FDC has established various accreditation stations, each catering to delegates from specific regions. Boniface Bamwenda Toterebuka, the party’s Chairman for the Electoral Commission, announced earlier this week that a total of 1,271 delegates would be accredited to partake in the conference. During this event, a new party National Executive Committee-NEC will be elected.

The invited voter categories include District Chairpersons, General Secretaries, Secretaries for Publicity and Mobilization, Women League Chairpersons, and Youth Secretaries. At the constituency level, Chairpersons and General Secretaries, with one being a female, were also extended invitations.

Among the candidates vying for various NEC positions, Daka Ajuna stands out. A former FDC flag bearer for the Member of Parliament in Fortportal Municipality, Ajuna is running for the Secretary for Organisation and Mobilisation role. He aims to leverage technology for FDC’s benefit, with the goal of expanding support and increasing membership. Additionally, he intends to establish grassroots offices to facilitate effective communication and mobilization, along with the translation of key party documents into local languages to reach a wider audience.

Moses Okwera, a former Councillor from Nakawa division in Kampala, is contesting for the Secretary for Health position. His focus will be on promoting primary healthcare through partnerships with various health organizations, conducting health camps for public education, and providing health services.

Walid Lubega, the National Chairman of the Youth League at Najjanankumbi-based FDC, is seeking the position of Deputy Secretary General in charge of Administration. If elected, he pledges to enhance communication between the party’s headquarters and lower structures to improve coordination and teamwork.

The FDC Delegates Conference is set to take place at the Patidar Samaj Sports Ground in Lugogo, Kampala. However, a faction of the FDC based at Katonga opposes the conference and has presented an alternative election roadmap, culminating in a delegates conference in March 2024.

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