
Ministry of Local Government adopts CSOs proposal on synergized PDM implementation

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By Julius Mugaga Tukacungurwa/ KMA Updates.

Kampala, Uganda: Minister of Local Government Hon. Raphael Magezi gave this revelation during high level meeting with CSOs Consortium for the Support and Efficient Implementation of the Parish Development Model on Wednesday.

Hon. Raphael Magezi, Minister of Local Government signs on a commitment board as Albert Siminyu the Country Director Action Against Hunger USA-Uganda Mission (in blue coat) and other two look on. Photo by Julius Mugaga Tukacungurwa.

“It’s been an opportunity for me to find that CSOs are willing and ready to partner with Gov’t in PDM implementation. Its good news for us since the program is for all of us and in our structures from the national policy committee down to Parish development committee, we’ve included non-state actors”. He remarked.

He said that CSOs are good in monitoring and evaluation, resource mobilization, community mobilization and sensitization, advocating for less privileged in society and bear extensive expertise which the ministry will surely need from them.

Hon. Raphael Magezi, Minister of Local Government addresses the CSOs Consortium yesterday at Fairway Hotel, Kampala-Uganda. Photo by Julius Mugaga Tukacungurwa.

“Am to present their proposal to cabinet latest next month such that we know from the word go, they will be assessing PDM implementation and we shall have further engagement in the same month since I hope the framework will be out already”. He added.

He called the consortium to bring more CSOs onboard to better spread PDM gospel and help in different areas like accountability since these are public funds.

Hon. Magezi also committed that they will always invite CSOs to participate in the Ministerial Policy frameworks that are in line with their different obligations.

He revealed that their team is already on ground doing enterprise selection and formation of SACCOs and that MPs and Ministers will join them next week to ensure that by mid July all this complete.

On the first disbursement of UGX17M, Hon. Magezi highlited that since the Financial Year is ending, some parishes will miss out on this but allayed fears that this will be added to the UGX100M that will be disbursed in the next financial year.

On Agricultural Credit Facilities, Hon. Magezi cited that this is by ministry of finance but as Ministry of local government, have addressed weaknesses associated with accessibility as they are targeting farmers who are only producing to feed the families and have no security to find money at Parish.

Albert Siminyu the Country Director Action Against Hunger USA-Uganda Mission presents general views of CSOs Consortium on support and efficient implementation of Parish Development Model yesterday. Photo by Julius Mugaga Tukacungurwa.

Albert Siminyu the Country Director of Action Against Hunger, USA-Uganda Mission (ACF) lauded Ministry of local government for recognizing CSOs potential in Parish Development Model Implementation.

He assured that with adoption of their proposal, CSOs will have a strong ground to subscribe their expertise in form of monitoring and evaluation, community sensitization, accountability, advisory services and other forms of support where necessary.

Albert Siminyu the Country Director Action Against Hunger USA-Uganda Mission (ACF) signs on a commitment board as Hon. Raphael Magezi, Minister of Local Government and Carol Namagembe the Deputy Executive Director of Civil Society Budget Advocacy Group (CSBAG) look on yesterday. Photo by Julius Mugaga Tukacungurwa.

Earlier on in his presentation, Albert mentioned that the partnership would be vital in proper local government planning process, guiding resources in order to minimize wastage, outsourcing sustainable markets with much emphasis put on standards.

In the same way, Albert interested Ministry of local Government to endorse them sample 300 parishes in 19 districts from different sub-regions of Uganda basing on the fact that these produce different agricultural products in order to properly advise them on proper crop as they bear different soils.

Carol Namagembe the Deputy Executive Director of Civil Society Budget Advocacy Group gives her remarks during Round Table meeting of CSOs Consortium on support and efficient implementation of Parish Development Model yesterday. Photo by Julius Mugaga Tukacungurwa.

In her rejoinder remarks, Carol Namagembe the Deputy Executive Director of Civil Society Budget Advocacy Group expressed her gratitude that the partnership will modify the gaps in the Parish Development Model Implementation since CSOs will have a verge to subscribe their different expertise in different areas.

She added that this will create peaceful co-existence between CSOs and Policy makers in this cases Ministry of Local Government for community economic development.

“We would like to have continued community sensitization with emphasis on adhering to feedback for it to properly direct our PDM Implementation interventions”. Carol added.

Members of CSOs are seen during Round Table meeting of CSOs Consortium on support and efficient implementation of Parish Development Model yesterday. Photo by Julius Mugaga Tukacungurwa.

It should be noted that Shs17 million will be disbursed to every parish this year and Shs100m per parish next year.

This is part of the National Development Plan (NDP) III with the ultimate goal of getting 39 percent of Ugandans that live in a subsistence economy to a level of life above hand-to-mouth.










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