
Deputy speaker, Tayebwa meets a delegation from Chamber of Young Entrepreneurs Uganda

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“Yesterday, I hosted a team of enterprising young people from the Chamber of Young Entrepreneurs Uganda led by Mr. Edwin Musiime,@edwin_musiime their President.

Their aim is to be a premium private sector body for the young business community in Uganda, Providing members with an influential local, regional and global network for business growth.

Rt. Hon Thomas Tayebwa Deputy Speaker of Parliament (4thL), Mr. Edwin Musiime (3rdL) and his team  from Chamber of Young Entrepreneurs Uganda pose for a photo/Courtesy Photo.
I am always impressed looking at young people that are doing something to better their own lives and the lives of others. I encouraged them to look out at majority of Ugandans because we have a very large number of entrepreneurs that could benefit from this initiative for their good and the nation at large.
In the entrepreneurship world, we can only grow by multiplying ourselves and widening our outreach through enabling others to grow.
I also advised them to present their issues to Parliament in form of a petition, which we shall then refer to the Committee of Trade, Tourism and Industry for them to look into the salient issues in the entrepreneurship world from the manufacturer to the consumer,”
Rt. Hon Thomas Tayebwa Deputy Speaker of Parliament and Mr. Edwin Musiime, president of Chamber of Young Entrepreneurs Uganda pose for a photo/Courtesy Photo.
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