
Kampala,Uganda:The Association of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of Uganda gets new leadership

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Remarks from the AOGU  President  In AGM and Handover

A wonderful occasion when we celebrate our transition in leadership. Today, I am happy to transfer the Authority of Presidency to the President Erect Dr Musana Othieno. All Responsibilities, privileges infrastructure including   office space. Not only that but I also hand you the human resources.

On occasions like this when we change leadership, I want to remind you that the President leads leaders because all AOGU members are leaders therefore lead with respect. Study the Psychology of members especially your executive so as to work well.

Make AOGU vibrant and consult the past presidents and other members of AOGU. The word women has a lot of meaning but for us all Members of AOGU take it like this: Women ( workers ,organizers, managers ,evaluators, Negotiators ) advocate for women.

In 1985 AOGU was born. Past presidents are your best pillars. I wish you best of Luck
To the members of the Association of Gynaecologists of Uganda.
Be the change you want to see in the world: our values Professionalism, Transparency and accountability, Responsiveness, Innovation, Dynamism, Teamwork and commitment Partnership.

Once again the Corvid 19 challenge has not broken us but made us strong.
Colleagues who are attracted to bloody money from denying babies to live. Resolve to change and save mothers lives and babies’ lives. I do not believe in safe killing in the name of safe abortion.

The voiceless baby must have us as their voices. Do not cause untold sorrow in these women who will forever regret the acts done in your hands.

Allow me to tell colleagues that “the moment you stop learning and re-learning you can better leave this world”. So keep open and get more opportunities to learn. AOGU has a Strategic plan which is a guiding document that will take us to 2024.

I believe if we build teamwork own the Association and revamp the AOGU membership we will grow and our presence will be visible not only that but out AOGU will be seen as the leader of quality reproductive health in Uganda, East Central southern Africa  {ECSACOG} and beyond
Let us continue to aim at compassionate care and knowing that it is small things we do with great love that make a difference.
I wish you a great AGM
Dr Priscilla Busingye  Now Immediate Past President.

A group  Photo of the incoming  Office bearers  and the outgoing President Dr. Sr. Priscilla Busingye Centre in  a blue Rob.Photo by  Julius Mugaga/KMA Updates.

The Association of Obstetricians and gynaecologists of Uganda on Friday got new  leaders in Office seeing off  the former Office bearers.

The Outgoing President of the Association, Sister Dr. Busingye Priscilla, commended the great work executed by members throughout her time of leadership and pledged continuous service just as their calling is.

Dr. Sr.Busingye Priscilla (R) hands over a present  to Dr.Matovu Badru Kiggundu.Photo by Julius Mugaga.

In her  final remarks, she appealed to her Successor Dr,Musana Othieno and the entire Committee  to uphold the objectives of the Association.

Dr.  Musana Othieno delivers his remarks during the event.Photo by Julius Mugaga./KMA Updates.

He  promised to work hard and take the Association to another level.

He commended the outgoing leadership for their efforts  and promised to even do better with his team.

“I ask you to reflect on the stewardship like character, mentorship, exemplary services and others in your respective capacities”. Ministry of Health Permanent Secretary and Former President Museveni’d Doctor Dr. Diana Atwine told Obstetricians and Gynaecologists during their 16th Annual Scientific Conference on Thursday at Imperial Royale Hotel, Kampala.

Dr. Diana Atwine, the Permanent Secretary Of Ministry of Health delivers her her remarks. Photo by Julius Mugaga.

This year’s conference was under the theme “Building resilient systems for Reproductive Health Services, research and education in the era of Covid-19”.

Dr. Diana Atwine, the Permanent Secretary Of Ministry of Health  with the outgoing President Dr.Sr. Busingye Priscilla. Photo by Julius Mugaga.

It is on this note that Dr. Atwine asked  the participants to innovate ways of improving maternal and Child HealthCare.

She promised that the Ministry is working on building systems that will strengthen their sector.

She promised close partnership of the Ministry and the Association of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of Uganda.

Dr. Diana Atwine, the Permanent Secretary Of Ministry of Health  with the outgoing President Dr.Sr. Busingye Priscilla chatting  with some Doctors participating in the Conference. Photo by Julius Mugaga.

During the event, Dr. Atwine sounded a great warning to Health Workers who abuse waiting mothers citing that this has scared them away from using government facilities.

All Health Centers at the Sub County level must have Ultra Sound Scan as a way of ensuring Maternal and Child HealthCare.

She empowered them by pledging ministry’s support upon coming up with an Agenda that will tackle, Mentorship, Quality Assurance, System building, Innovation and others.

Some of the participants during the Conference.Photo by Julius Mugaga/KMA Updates.




Some of the participants during the Conference.Photo by Julius Mugaga/KMA Updates.


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