
UCC’s Ibrahim Bbossa joins URA as tax body appoints new commissioners

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The board of directors at tax body, Uganda Revenue Authority has appointed new commissioners and assistant commissioners in various departments.

According to a memo, a special board meeting that sat last month interviewed and consequently appointed Ibrahim Bbosa as the new assistant commissioner for public and corporate affairs for the tax body.

The position of the URA spokesperson became vacant in February this year after the then head of public and corporate affairs, Vincent Sseruuma left the tax body after expiry of his contract.

Prior to his appointment as the new spokesperson, Bbosa has been serving in the same position at the Uganda Communications Commission (UCC) where he is hailed for having served diligently in speaking for the body responsible for regulating the communications sector in Uganda.

Other appointments

The URA board of directors has also appointed Denis Kugonza Kateeba as the new commissioner for tax investigations.

Kateeba has previously worked at Uganda National Roads Authority as the head of accounts.

The new appointments have also seen Robert Mutebi named the new commissioner in charge of Information Technology and Innovation whereas Allen Nassanga is the new assistant commissioner in charge of research and innovation.

The URA board of directors has also appointed Sarah Chelangat Muzungyo who previously worked with Ernst & Young Uganda as the new commissioner in charge of domestic taxes.

The changes are part of the efforts by the tax body to ensure it works efficiently and achieve its goals.

President Museveni recently said URA has not yet performed to its maximum, urging for more efforts.

““When we had just come from the bush, people were collecting money and put in their own pockets. It was in 1991 when we realized there was massive stealing. That’s how we came and said we must create a special department and the idea of URA came. The tax collection jumped to 11% from 4% of GDP. However, it has stagnated there all this time,” Museveni said in September as URA marked 30 years of existence.

The president said corruption and inefficiency have prevented URA from performing to its maximum.

“Although you are congratulating yourselves, performance doesn’t lie. We can know if the tax people are doing work . The tax to GDP ratio has stagnated around 11%, 12% and 13%. As soon as we created URA we jumped to 11% but we are now stuck there. Where is the other money going? Buildings are increasing and imports. Do you think God is happy with you.”

He tasked URA to ensure the tax to GDP ratio goes up.

The tax body recently announced they had got 27 new non-intrusive inspection scanners to aid efforts to combat smuggling and other forms of import tax evasion.

The new scanners are to be stationed at Entebbe Airport cargo and export section, Lwakhakha, Cyanika, Goli, Mirama, Bunagana, Bunagana, Butogota and Buzinga among other border posts.

Ibrahim Bbosa is spokesperson as URA appoints new commissioners – Nile Post

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