
Voltarians give Akufo-Addo 90 days ultimatum to re-open border

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Some people at Aflao and all the towns along the Ghana-Togo border have given President Nana Akufo-Addo and the New Patriotic Party (NPP) government a 90-day ultimatum to re-open the border or they would be forced to deliberately stop any commercial vehicle to all the border towns.

According to the chiefs, residents along the border towns have resolved to embark on this activity because, on daily basis, VIP buses and other vehicles flood Aflao township with passengers who travel to Togo to trade and return to board these same buses, meanwhile, the President says the border is closed.

This, the people say is a deliberate attempt by the New Patriotic Party government to frustrate local people who cross the border almost all the time to either trade or attend to other family issues.

Speaking to the Republic Press about the growing development among the people in the border towns in the Volta Region, the Chief Executive Officer of Marrer Ghana Limited and Susatgad Boat Building Industries, Novihoho Afaglo, said traders from all corners of Ghana come to Aflao, pay monies to the security forces stationed at the border who grant them access to Togo to go and trade.


“They return a day or two to board these same vehicles back to their destinations, meanwhile, the indigenes who don’t have money to pay to these gallant officers are denied access to other family members,” Mr Afaglo stated.

“What we are saying is that if traders from other parts of the country can get access to the border why prevent our own people here? What is good for the Goose is also good for the Gander,” he quizzed.

Mr Afaglo said the people are really suffering from abject poverty because local businessmen have lost all their capital because they are not allowed to cross to Togo or Ghana to trade.

He, therefore, called on the President to consider the plight of the local business people who trade among themselves in these two countries to feed their families or put body and soul together.

Source:Voltarians give Akufo-Addo 90 days ultimatum to re-open border – GOB News (

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