
Celebrating Uganda’s 59th Independence at Kololo Ceremonial Grounds,Kampala

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Uganda’s President Yoweri Museveni inspects the guard Of honour during the 59th Independence Celebrations Of Uganda at Kololo Ceremonial grounds 9th Oct,2021.Photo by Ronald Kabuubi/KMA Updates.


Uganda’s President Yoweri Museveni being received for the 59th Independence Celebrations Of Uganda at Kololo Ceremonial grounds 9th Oct,2021.Photo by Ronald Kabuubi/KMA Updates.

Dr.Johnson Byabashaija,the Commissioner General,

Uganda Prisons Services,the Inspector General Of Police

Mr  Martins Okoth Ochola and the  Chief Of Defence Forces,Gen  Wilson Mbadi.

Photo by Ronald Kabuubi/KMA Updates.

Uganda’s Vice President H.E Jessica Alupo Epel with the Speaker Of Parliament Rt.Hon Jacob Oulanyah during the 59th Independence Celebrations Of Uganda at Kololo Ceremonial grounds 9th Oct,2021.Photo by Ronald Kabuubi/KMA Updates.



Uganda’s President Yoweri Museveni inspects the guard Of honour during the 59th Independence Celebrations Of Uganda at Kololo Ceremonial grounds 9th Oct,2021.Photo by Ronald Kabuubi/KMA Updates.




Uganda’s President Yoweri Museveni inspects the guard Of honour during the 59th Independence Celebrations Of Uganda at Kololo Ceremonial grounds 9th Oct,2021.Photo by Ronald Kabuubi/KMA Updates.
Uganda’s President Yoweri Museveni  with the first Lady Janet Museveni walk to witness raising of the Ugandan Flag during the 59th Independence Celebrations Of Uganda at Kololo Ceremonial grounds 9th Oct,2021.Photo by Ronald Kabuubi/KMA Updates.


Uganda’s President Yoweri Museveni inspects the guard Of honour during the 59th Independence Celebrations Of Uganda at Kololo Ceremonial grounds 9th Oct,2021.Photo by Ronald Kabuubi/KMA Updates.
Uganda’s President Yoweri Museveni ,first Lady Janet Museveni and Minister Of Education and Sports and Dr Musenero during the 59th Independence Celebrations Of Uganda at Kololo Ceremonial grounds 9th Oct,2021. Left is the State Minister Of higher Education Christom Muyingo.This was after touring an exhibition by Makerere University.Photo by Ronald Kabuubi/KMA Updates.


Uganda’s President Yoweri Museveni  with the first Lady Janet Museveni walk to witness raising of the Ugandan Flag during the 59th Independence Celebrations Of Uganda at Kololo Ceremonial grounds 9th Oct,2021.Photo by Ronald Kabuubi/KMA Updates.


Religious leaders led by the Bishop Of Namirembe Rt Rev Dr.Kazimba leads Prayers during the 59th Independence Celebrations Of Uganda at Kololo Ceremonial grounds 9th Oct,2021.Photo by Ronald Kabuubi/KMA Updates.
Uganda People’s Defence Forces (UPDF) march with the Uganda Flag and that of UPDF during the 59th Independence Celebrations Of Uganda and the UPDF flags  at Kololo Ceremonial grounds 9th Oct,2021.Photo by Ronald Kabuubi/KMA Updates.
Members of the Uganda Police Force (UPF) march during the 59th Independence Celebrations Of Uganda at Kololo Ceremonial grounds 9th Oct,2021.Photo by Ronald Kabuubi/KMA Updates.
Members of the Uganda Police Force (UPF) march during the 59th Independence Celebrations Of Uganda at Kololo Ceremonial grounds 9th Oct,2021.Photo by Ronald Kabuubi/KMA Updates.


Members of the Uganda Police Force (UPF) march during the 59th Independence Celebrations Of Uganda at Kololo Ceremonial grounds 9th Oct,2021.Photo by Ronald Kabuubi/KMA Updates.Members of the Uganda Police Force (UPF) march during the 59th Independence Celebrations Of Uganda at Kololo Ceremonial grounds 9th Oct,2021.Photo by Ronald Kabuubi/KMA Updates.
Uganda People’s Defence Forces (UPDF) march during the 59th Independence Celebrations Of Uganda at Kololo Ceremonial grounds 9th Oct,2021.Photo by Ronald Kabuubi/KMA Updates.
Uganda People’s Defence Forces (UPDF) march during the 59th Independence Celebrations Of Uganda at Kololo Ceremonial grounds 9th Oct,2021.Photo by Ronald Kabuubi/KMA Updates.
Members of the Uganda Prisons Service march during the 59th Independence Celebrations Of Uganda at Kololo Ceremonial grounds 9th Oct,2021.Photo by Ronald Kabuubi/KMA Updates.
Members of the Uganda Prisons Service march during the 59th Independence Celebrations Of Uganda at Kololo Ceremonial grounds 9th Oct,2021.Photo by Ronald Kabuubi/KMA Updates.
Members of the Uganda Prisons Service march during the 59th Independence Celebrations Of Uganda at Kololo Ceremonial grounds 9th Oct,2021.Photo by Ronald Kabuubi/KMA Updates.
Members of the Uganda Prisons Service march during the 59th Independence Celebrations Of Uganda at Kololo Ceremonial grounds 9th Oct,2021.Photo by Ronald Kabuubi/KMA Updates.
Members of the Uganda Prisons Service march during the 59th Independence Celebrations Of Uganda at Kololo Ceremonial grounds 9th Oct,2021.Photo by Ronald Kabuubi/KMA Updates.
Members of the Uganda Prisons Service march during the 59th Independence Celebrations Of Uganda at Kololo Ceremonial grounds 9th Oct,2021.Photo by Ronald Kabuubi/KMA Updates.


The Minister in Charge Of Presidency Hon.Milly Babalanda (middle ) was the Moderator during the 59th Independence Celebrations Of Uganda at Kololo Ceremonial grounds 9th Oct,2021. Right is THE UPDF Spokesperson Brigadier Flavia Byekwaso.Left is Mrs Muwanguzi.Photo by Ronald Kabuubi/KMA Updates.
Prime Minister Rt. Hon Robinah Nabbanja during the 59th Independence Celebrations Of Uganda at Kololo Ceremonial grounds 9th Oct,2021.Photo by Ronald Kabuubi/KMA Updates.

Speech by
H.E. Yoweri Kaguta Museveni
President of the Republic of Uganda
At the
th October, 2021
Kololo Independence Grounds
Countrymen and Countrywomen,
Today, the 9th of October, 2021, is the 59th
Independence day anniversary of Uganda. In these
past two years -2020 and 2021- the new Uganda, has
shown that it can stand on its feet and defeat any
In these two years, as many of you know, we dealt
successfully with problems of: Locusts’ invasion; the
rising levels of the waters of the Lakes (the floods); the
land-slides; the floating island that were threatening
hydro dams; and the corona pandemic ─ where we
minimized the deaths, recording a total of 3,150
deaths (as of 5th October, 2021), hitherto, in spite of
the onslaught of the terrible disease, for now one year
and seven months.
All those challenges notwithstanding and inspite of
the indiscipline of some actors, we successfully held
the 2021 General Elections for President, Parliament
and Local Governments, on time. Additionally, even
our economy managed some growth in both the
financial years 2020-2021 and the present financial
year of 2021-2022.
In the former, we managed a growth rate of 3.4% and
in the current one, it is estimated that we shall
achieve a rate of growth of 3.8%, the Covid19 related
shutdowns notwithstanding. By end of June, 2022,
our GDP will be standing at USD 40.43BN by foreign
exchange method and at USD 117.3BN by the PPP
method. All this without including the contributions
of the first oil to be pumped out of the ground. First
oil to be pumped out of the ground, will be achieved
by 2025, because all the agreements have been
All these achievements, are inspite of the corruption
of some public officials, including some of the political
actors. I congratulate the whistle-blowers who,
patriotically, expose these criminals, parasites and
traitors to their own people. I, therefore, congratulate
the people of Uganda, the people of Africa (our
brothers and sisters) and our partners in the World,
because these achievements are not by our efforts
alone. Our African brothers and sisters and our
partners in the World, who buy our products (goods
and services), contribute to this success.
However, we could have achieved more if it was not
for the parasites that want to harvest where they have
not sown (bamulya-byengedde). When you reflect
deeply on the history of this part of the World, you
notice the phenomenon of the two actors: the
producers of wealth (goods and services) and the
parasites – those who want to eat and even prosper,
without working. Between 800 AD and 1400 AD, what
is now Uganda and the surrounding areas of Africa,
experienced stability and progress under the dynasty
of the Bachweezi. That is why the Wanainchi
transformed the known Bachweezi into Lubaales
(small gods). These are: Mukasa (Mugasha), Wamala,
Mugyenyi, Ndahura, Kagoro, Isimbwa, Kyomya etc.
The area was united politically: Buganda, Bunyoro,
Ankole, Tooro, Bukiri (Lango), Gani (Acholi),Busoga,
as well as the surrounding areas that were put in the
other sister African States by the colonial borders.
During this time, the Wealth creators – Cattle-keepers
(Abariisa), crop-famers (Abahiingyi), blacksmiths
(Abaheesi), Bark-cloth makers (Abakomagyi),
Carpenters (Ababaizi), Clay-workers (Abanogoozi),
Bow and Arrow makers (Abatanagyi), Lake and water
specialists (Abariimbi), Healers (Abafumu), Surgeons
(Abagyeengyi), Fore-tellers or prophets (Abaraguzi),
Funeral service providers (Abahitsi), Fishermen
(Abajubi) etc., could operate peacefully, it seems.
On account of some unclear reasons, this empire
collapsed around 1400 AD and the smaller kingdoms
that we know, succeeded this united political unit and
came with the endless wars (entaro), raids for cattle
(Kunyaga) etc., fomented by these small kingdoms
and their myopic managers; the wealth creators, were
disturbed by these activities.
God always mercifully helps Africa. Having lost the
hieroglyphic writing of ancient Egypt, our ancestors
in the Great Lakes, depended on oral history.
However, some natural phenomena help us to date
events that would, otherwise, have been difficult to
determine. Such a phenomenon, by divine command,
was the eclipse of the sun (Obwiira – Kabiri) that
occurred on the 17th of April, 1520 AD at Biharwe,
Mile 9 from Mbarara, on Masaka road. When the
eclipse occurred, the Munyoro King, Olimi,
Rwiitamahaanga, as well as his Army, fled in terror
and abandoned the large herds of cattle he had raided
from Rwanda. The Banyankore took these cattle and
are known as: “Empeenda ya munoni” (whose
translation is not clear to me) or Enduga haiguru
(easier to translate because it means – gift of heaven).
The ruler of Ankole that time was Nyabugaro, who
was No.4 in the post – Bachweezi dynasty. The ruler
in Buganda was Nakibinge, who was, later on, killed
by the same Olimi, Rwiita – mahaanga (translated as
destroyer of neighbours). This is just one example of
how these Post – Bachweezi rulers were disturbing the
peace of the Wealth – creators.
The Capitals of the Bachweezi that are known are:
Ntutsi and Bigo – Byamugyenyi – both in Ssembabule
district and the archeological items from there have
been dated by Prof. Sutton as having been used
between 900 AD to 1350 AD.
“Whatever a man sows, that is what he reaps,” the
Bible says. The small kingdoms could not survive
when the imperialists arrived. Even in the colonial
times, tribalism encouraged by the small kingdoms,
continued, now re- inforced by the new divisions “on
behalf of God,” fomented by the newly introduced
religions of Catholicism, Protestantism and
It is a tragic–comedy, to read what Capt. Lugard wrote
about events here in Uganda in the 1890s. In a
booklet entitled: “British East Africa” on Page 13,
Lugard writes as follows:
“A warm discussion arose on many points, but I
waived discussion till the reading was done. Then the
chiefs were for signing, but the king held back and
giggled and fooled; he demanded time. I replied by
rapping the table, and, speaking loudly, said he must
sign now.” “On December 26th Mwanga signed the
Here, Lugard was talking about how he forced
Mwanga to sign some documents giving away Africa’s
These were the actors guarding our destiny at that
time. On page 18, Lugard writes about more tragic–
comedy. He writes as follows:
“Next morning, early, I found the whole country under
arms for war. Masses of armed men were pouring in
every direction and preparing for battle, being drawn
up on opposite hills, the French Party (as the Catholics
are always called), having, I think, the French Flag.”
On page 32, it is written as follows:
“The next day, Sunday, February 24th, while Captain
Lugard was reading a letter, war drums rang out from
the Catholic camp. The two parties were arranged for
On page 41, the booklet writes as follows:
“As in his negotiations with the Catholic Party, so in
those now going on with the Mohammedans, Capt.
Lugard was much annoyed and obstructed by the
grasping selfishness of the Protestants, who, while
anxious enough for peace to be concluded, wished to
retain everything for themselves.”
These events were taking place around 1890. The
other party being referred to, are the Protestant Party
known as Ingleza (the English). These new religions,
starting with Islam, had started coming to this area
since the 1840s. The Christians, only had started
arriving in 1877 (Protestants) and 1879 (Catholics).
By this time, Muteesa1 was still alive and, indeed, he
at one time, wondered whether the Protestants and
the Catholics, worshipped the same God. The
quarrels between Bishop Tucker and Father Lourdel
amused Muteesa. In the Book by Bishop Tucker
entitled: “Eighteen years in Uganda, East Africa”, on
page 9, he writes as follows:
“We were not interrupted by them, however, until
prayers were over and I began to read the scripture. I
had read only the first verse when Muteesa, in his
usual abrupt style, called to a coast man present to ask
the Frenchmen if they don’t believe in Jesus Christ,
why they don’t kneel down with us when we worship
him every Sabbath. Don’t they worship Jesus Christ?”
It is so sad to see brothers and sisters agreeing to be
torn apart by external influences in such a manner
and after such a short time as to act against their own
interests such as peace, wealth creation etc.
All these interfere with the Wealth creators. It is,
therefore, very important for the NRM to continue to
crystalize this focus on the Wealth creators – farmers,
industrialists, crucial service providers (e.g. medical)
and ICT. Those who seek power and influence – Kings,
Priests and Politicians etc. should have the sensitivity
to ensure that their activities should never interfere
with the work of the Wealth creators.
There was rinderpest in 1893 where a lot of cattle died
in the Ankole-Kigyezi area and may be in other parts
of the World. My great grandfather, Kashaanku,
managed to save 7 cows, on account of their strong
immunity. By the time he died around 1915, those
cattle had multiplied. My grandfathers, who were
never in the Government, continued to multiply those
cattle. Our fathers, who were never in the
Government, continued to multiply those cattle. I
have continued to multiply these cattle along with my
children, many of whom are not in the Government.
It is us (the crop-farmers, the cattle-keepers, the
fishermen, the manufacturers, the service providers,
the artisans etc.), that feed the country and provide
the other goods needed, that earn foreign Exchange
for the Country, that create jobs, that pay taxes etc.
The attitudes of the Wealth creators are, actually,
captured in the four NRM Principles: Patriotism, PanAfricanism, Social-economic transformation and
Democracy. Genuine wealth creators, cannot believe
in sectarianism because their economic activities will
have exposed them to the importance of the market of
a united Uganda. They soon also understand the
importance of the wider African market – in other
words, the importance of Pan-Africanism.
Here, in Kampala, I have two testimonies ─ that of
James Mulwana and that of Burahimu Kibirige-both
the late. Neither of them was in politics.
However, Mulwana was always fundraising for the
NRM because he well understood that it is only that
force, that could guarantee peace in Uganda and
render her safe for business. It also had private-sector
friendly policies, like the ban we imposed on the
export of used batteries, which was what Mulwana
asked me to do for his Company, so that he gets
batteries to recycle.
One time, I had gone to Hotel Africana for a meeting.
Burahimu Kibirige was worried. When I inquired from
him what the problem was, he told me. The problem
was, that the Basongora herdsmen in Kasese, had
poisoned and killed lions in Queen Elizabeth National
Park in revenge for Lions eating their Cattle. Kibirige
was worried that, that act, would damage tourism. As
you know, he built a hotel in Moroto, Karamoja. His
concerns were national and his investments were
national and, I hear, even Pan-Africanist. He
understood the usefulness of Uganda and Africa.
As we go on, the difference between Wealth creators
and parasites will become clearer. The ranks of the
Wealth-creators are going to be swelled by the Parish
Development Model and the Emyooga Programmes.
These plans are aimed at converting the remaining
39% of the homesteads from okukolera ekidda kyonka
(subsistence farming), to commercial farming and
other money generating enterprises, with ekibaro
(cura, aimar, otita) ─ proper enterprise selection. They
all must join the ranks of wealth-creators. It will
improve our politics, incomes for homesteads,
purchasing power for buying products of goods or
services produced by our factories, create a wider tax
base, creating more jobs for the youth and being able
to support the places of Worship and political actors
of our choice.
In conclusion, I seem to detect a linkage between
Wealth-creation with Patriotism and Pan-Africanism
and idleness with Parasitism, working for foreign
interests and anarchism. Maotse Tung, had detected
something similar in China; that is why he talked of
the unity of the 4 social-classes, including the
National Bourgeoisie and isolating the comprador
bourgeoisie (those whose economic interests were in
service of foreign interests). I think the four positive
classes in Maotse Tung’s strategy were: the National
bourgeoisie, the Workers (the Proletariat), the
Peasants and the Patriotic petty bourgeoisie
(teachers, health workers etc.). The Feudalists and
the Comprador bourgeoisie, were the parasitic group.
The wealth-creators support peace because they do
not want their economic activities to be disturbed and
when they decide to fight, it is for a big reason- like
when we decided to fight Idi Amin- because he had no
capacity to understand Patriotism or Pan-Africanism
which are crucial for our survival and prosperity. In
1970, I decided to work with the UPC, although we
did not fully agree on all issues. However, with UPC,
there was some possibility to push for some wealth
creation efforts, e.g. restructuring the ranches and
also some Pan-Africanist efforts – e.g. the East African
Federation. To consolidate peace durably, expand and
strengthen the ranks of wealth-creators. Right from
the beginning, the NRM emphasized the point of
“Protecting life and property.’’ It was actually point
No2. in the 10 points programme. Principle No. 3 in
the four principles of the NRM, is social – economic
transformation. You cannot transform society,
without wealth creation. The NRM returned the
properties of the Indians because the country was
using the entrepreneurship of these Indians to
contribute to the transformation of our society.
Let everybody embrace wealth creation and the
principles and strategies that support it (Patriotism,
Pan-Africanism, Social – economic transformation
and Democracy) and avoid idleness, dependency and
I congratulate the OWC for, in the last 8 years,
helping us to reduce abakolera ekidda kyoonka
(subsistence actors) from 68% of the households to
39%, according to the latest UBOS survey. Let us use
the Parish Development Model or the Myooga
programme to convert all these into operators in the
money economy with ekibaro. The USA, which is a
new country, only born long after our own fratricidal
actors of 1520 AD in the persons of Olimi Rwiita
Mahaanga, Nyabugaro and Nakibinge, is now a super
– power. Why? Partly, for the very reasons I have been
telling you in this speech: respecting the Wealth –
creators, creating a big market for them through
integrating the former British Colonies into the
nucleus of the USA in 1776, ensuring Peace etc. The
NRM believes in reconciliation always. However,
reconciliation must be around healthy principles that
can create growth and transformation, not stagnation
and sterility. Let us not repeat old mistakes. Africa
has suffered enough. The future is bright if we act
I congratulate everybody and wish you a prosperous
60th year of Uganda’s Independence.
I thank all of you.

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