
Andrew Ojok Oulanyah of the ruling National Resistance Movement (NRM) was Thursday night declared winner of the Omoro County parliamentary by-election, beating five candidates.

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The by-election was conducted a little over two months since the death of Ojok’s father and then-Speaker of Parliament, Jacob Oulanyah, who was the Omoro County MP at the time.

Omoro district returning officer Moses Kagona declared Ojok the winner with 14,224 votes. Kagona read out the results inside the tally centre at the Omoro district headquarters shortly after 10pm.

Simon Tolit Akecha of National Unity Platform (NUP) came second with 1,633 votes while independent candidate Terence Odonga came third with 532 votes.

Justine Odong of Forum for Democratic Change (FDC) was fourth with 529 votes and independent candidate Jimmy Walter Onen managed 88 votes.

Oscar Kizza of Alliance for National Transformation trailed with 63 votes.

Andrew Ojok Oulanyah of the ruling National Resistance Movement (NRM) was Thursday night declared winner of the Omoro County parliamentary by-election, beating five candidates.

The by-election was conducted a little over two months since the death of Ojok’s father and then-Speaker of Parliament, Jacob Oulanyah, who was the Omoro County MP at the time.

Omoro district returning officer Moses Kagona declared Ojok the winner with 14,224 votes. Kagona read out the results inside the tally centre at the Omoro district headquarters shortly after 10pm.

Simon Tolit Akecha of National Unity Platform (NUP) came second with 1,633 votes while independent candidate Terence Odonga came third with 532 votes.

Justine Odong of Forum for Democratic Change (FDC) was fourth with 529 votes and independent candidate Jimmy Walter Onen managed 88 votes.

Oscar Kizza of Alliance for National Transformation trailed with 63 votes.

Andrew Ojok Oulanyah has emerged winner in the hotly contested Omoro MP seat was was rendered vacant following the death of former Speaker Jacob Oulanyah who doubled as MP for the area.

There were six contestants vying for the position. The process was marred by low voter turn-up at various polling stations.

Below are results from the over 80 polling stations:

Odong Justine Obiya (FDC) – 529

Terence Odongo (Independent) 532

Andrew Ojok Oulanyah (NRM) – 14,224

Tolit Simon Akectcha (NUP) – 1,633

Onen Jimmy (Independent) – 88

Kizza Oscar (ANT) – 63

Omoro By-Election: Andrew Ojok Oulanyah Declared Winner

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