
Uganda Police Dog Unit Shows Success with Over 5,000 Trackings

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The Police K9 Unit, a specialized division of the Uganda Police Force, has garnered attention for its effective contributions to crime prevention, detection, and investigation. Comprising specially trained service dogs, this unit aids various police departments and units in their operations. These canines are adept at tasks such as suspect tracking, detecting narcotics and explosives, search and rescue missions, and crowd control.

Currently, the K9 Unit operates in 91 districts across Uganda, including strategic locations like Entebbe International Airport and border points. These dogs play crucial roles in supporting different departments, including the Narcotics Department and the Counter Terror Directorate.

In a recent announcement, it was revealed that the K9 Unit is set to expand its services to an additional 13 districts, bringing the total number of stations served to 104. Each of these stations will be equipped with at least two sniffer dogs to bolster law enforcement efforts.

The expansion comes alongside the operationalization of the breeding and training center at Nagalama, which has significantly reduced the cost of acquiring sniffer dogs. The selection process for these dogs emphasizes traits like good temperament, physical fitness, and a keen sense of smell. Dogs undergo rigorous training to hone their natural abilities, including speed, stamina, and scent detection.

During operational duties, these police dogs are housed in specially adapted vehicles for their safety and comfort. They are cared for by their handlers, who ensure they receive proper nutrition, exercise, and medical attention.

The effectiveness of the K9 Unit is evident in its tracking numbers. From January to March 2024, the unit performed a total of 5,128 trackings, leading to the arrest of 4,070 individuals and the recovery of numerous exhibits. These numbers demonstrate the unit’s vital role in apprehending suspects and gathering evidence for prosecution.

The public is reminded to preserve crime scenes and report incidents promptly to the nearest police station. Canine services are available 24/7 and are free of charge. Citizens can seek assistance from designated authorities or call the toll-free line for further inquiries

The success of the K9 Unit is attributed to support from the Justice, Law, and Order Sector (JLOS) and its development partners. Their contributions have been instrumental in establishing the breeding and training center, procuring dogs, training instructors, and providing necessary transportation resources.

Looking ahead, the Uganda Police Force aims to further strengthen the K9 Unit and increase its capacity to serve communities effectively. With ongoing support and investment, the K9 Unit will continue to play a vital role in enhancing public safety and security across Uganda.

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