
Halt the site visit to Lubowa Specialized hospital-Speaker Among directs the Parliamentary Public Accounts Committee- Central

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Hon Namugga and Hon.Muwanga Kivumbi

The Parliamentary Public Accounts Committee- Central-PAC-C has hit another setback after the Speaker of Parliament Anita Among directed them to halt the site visit to Lubowa Specialized hospital.


  Hon.Muwanga Kivumbi

The Committee was scheduled to visit the site today after several postponements on the request of the contractor to procure personal protection gears-PPGs for the committee members.

Addressing journalist at parliament, the chairperson of PAC-C Muwanga Kivumbi said that one Kenneth Akiiri on behalf of Ministry of Health Permanent Secretary wrote to the clerk of parliament Adolf Mwesigye requesting the committee to reschedule its visit to Lubowa which letter was forwarded to the speaker Among who also endorsed it.

Kivumbi who is also Butambala county MP says it’s unfortunate for a contractor of a huge project of Lubowa Specialized Hospital to use the excuse of not having sufficient PPGs like reflectors, gumboots and head helmets to block MPs from conducting their oversight role crippling the works of the committee.

On several occasions, parliamentary delegations were blocked from accessing the Lubowa Specialized hospital site, first being the opposition MPs who were led by LOP Joel Ssenyonyi, Deputy Speaker of Parliament Thomas Tayebwa and now PAC-C committee.

The committee is currently scrutinizing the 2022/23 auditor general’s report which revealed that there was an over payment of   286bn shillings to Lubowa Specialized hospital which doesn’t commensurate with the works done at the time.

The report also blamed the accountant general for issuing an over payment promissory note without ascertaining the certificate of milestone completion.

Now Kivumbi says that he will not be moved by any delays in conducting the oversight role and has vowed to summon the Ministry of Health next week on Monday to answer the audit queries about Lubowa specialized Hospital progress.


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