
Tanzania’s former President Kikwete in support of political parties at Makerere University

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Former President of Tanzania H.E Jakaya Kikwete  is received by Makerere University Students after donating a portrait.Photo by Ronald Kabuubi/KMA Updates.


Former President of Tanzania H.E Jakaya Kikwete is received by Makerere University acting   deputy Vice Chancellor Prof. Henry Alinaitwe.Photo by Ronald Kabuubi/KMA Updates.

Former President of Tanzania H.E Jakaya Kikwete  being received by the head of  European Union delegation in Uganda H.E Jan Sadek.Photo by Ronald Kabuubi/KMA Updates.

Guests are seen including former President of Tanzania H.E Jakaya Kikwete.Photo by Ronald Kabuubi/KMA Updates.

Leaders are seen are seen  with former President of Tanzania H.E Jakaya Kikwete.Photo by Ronald Kabuubi/KMA Updates.

Electoral Commission Chairperson Dr. Simon Byabakama  chats with Uganda’s High Commissioner to Tanzania.Photo by Ronald Kabuubi/KMA Updates.

Electoral Commission Chairperson Dr. Simon Byabakama  chats with Uganda’s High Commissioner to Tanzania.Photo by Ronald Kabuubi/KMA Updates.

 Uganda’s High Commissioner to Tanzania Major General Fred Mwesigye receives the Vice President H.E Jessica Alupo.Photo by Ronald Kabuubi/KMA Updates.

Makerere University acting   deputy Vice Chancellor Prof.Henry Alinaitwe receives receives the Vice President H.E Jessica Alupo.Photo by Ronald Kabuubi/KMA Updates.


Uganda’s Vice President H.E Jessica Alupo being received  as she arrives.Photo by Ronald Kabuubi/KMA Updates.

Uganda’s Vice President H.E Jessica Alupo being received  by the former Prime Minister of Uganda Dr.Ruhakana Rugunda and Student leaders ( Dean Dr.Ssali Sarah) and she arrives.Photo by Ronald Kabuubi/KMA Updates.

Uganda’s Vice President H.E Jessica Alupo (L)  greets the Chief guest, the former President of  Tanzania.Photo by Ronald Kabuubi/KMA Updates.

Uganda’s Vice President H.E Jessica Alupo (L) with the Chief guest, the former President of  Tanzania.Photo by Ronald Kabuubi/KMA Updates.

Makerere University hosted the inaugural Guild Leaders’ Summit on April 15, 2024, marking a significant moment in the annals of academic leadership on Monday 15th March,2024.

Under the theme “Legacy and Leadership: The Power of Knowledge and Cross-generational Learning,” the summit was a platform for profound discourse and reflection on the role of education in shaping future leaders.

A highlight of the event was the esteemed presence of His Excellency Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete, the Former President of the United Republic of Tanzania, who  graced the occasion as the Chief Guest.

In his remarks,Tanzania’s former President Jakaya Kikwete supported the idea of excluding political party participation from student politics. Kikwete argued that making Universities a hub of political activity could undermine their educational mission. His remarks come amid dissatisfaction among Makerere University students over the administration’s decision to prohibit political party affiliation.

Also,Some lecturers may  intend to fail their Students because they belong to Opposition Parties.

Kikwete called on East African Universities to find a way  of collaborating.

During our days, this used to work well.

During our days,our  Universities of Makerere,Nairobi and Dares Salaam used  to partner  on a number of things.Issues can easily be resolved. You can’t work alone in this world.

Makerere University is known to produce powerful medical Doctors,the  University of Nairobi for  great Engineers and the  University of Dar-es-slam  known for good lawyers.

The function was hosted by the acting Vice Chancellor Professor Henry M.Alinaitwe

Former Guild President Of Makerere University and  former Minister Hon.Mathew Rukikaire proposed that the Students leaders Guild should be extended to the East African level and President Kikwete should be made its Patron.

Kikwete in his response said there is no problem in making him a Patron only that  the modelities should be discussed first.

You know iam a retired man,I need time to look after my few Cattle and also do the farming.

When iam not there, thingsmay not go well as expected.

But I like helping young people because I was once like you.

So, I will do what I can. I believe in leaders  being mentored first. My self, I rose through ranks for years before becoming President.I was a guild President, Assistant Minister of Energy,head of Millitary,Minister Of Finance, contested as a Presidential Candidate and failed but tried again until I became President.

So, the young people should work with the elders to get experience and do things better.

“I came here after being invited by the Guild Presidents who have organised a summit, it’s the first one. The event has been well organised.”

Kikwete also commended Museveni for his unwavering efforts towards the formation of the East African Community.

With his wealth of experience in governance, diplomacy, President Kikwete’s insights were  highly  appreciated by  the assembled University leaders.

Joining President Kikwete on the roster of distinguished Speakers are prominent figures such as former Prime Minister of Uganda, Ruhakana Rugunda, Electoral Commission Justice Byabaka,the  head of  European  Union Ambassadors H.E Jan Sadek,Uganda’s High Commissioner Major  General   Fred Mwesigye

Additionally, Hon. Mathew Rukikaire, a towering figure in both academia and public service, will share his perspectives as a keynote speaker.

With a background that includes leadership roles at Ntare School, Kings College Buddo, and as a former Makerere Guild president, Hon. Rukikaire brings a unique blend of experience to the summit.

The summit will serve as a reunion for former guild presidents and leaders from various universities across the region, fostering an exchange of ideas and experiences that transcend generations.

Notable attendees include Makerere’s beloved Deputy Mayor, Doreen Nyanjura, adding a local touch to the prestigious gathering.


With an emphasis on the interplay between past, present, and future leadership, the Inaugural Guild Leaders’ Summit at Makerere University promises to be a momentous occasion, poised to leave a lasting impact on the trajectory of academic leadership in the region.

The former leader arrived in Uganda yesterday, Sunday, to attend, as chief guest, the Guild Leaders’ Annual Summit which took place Monday, April 15, at Makerere University.

In his remarks,

Ambassador Jan SADEK

Head of Delegation of the European Union to the Republic of

Uganda said:

It is a great pleasure to be here today at this Summit for former University Student Leaders in Uganda. Allow me to thank the Guild Presidents Leadership Academy for organizing such an inclusive event that takes stock of how youth leadership over time has been instrumental in contributing to Uganda’s development journey.


It was Julius Nyerere who once said: “Leadership is not an individual quality, but a collective one. It is not the lone voice in the wilderness but the many voices in unison that make the difference”. Today, leaders from different generations are gathering together.


As we reflect on the theme of this summit, “Legacy and Leadership: The Power of Knowledge and Cross-generational Learning”, it becomes evident that the transmission of knowledge and experiences across generations is crucial in ensuring a leadership continuum. The insights gained from experience, coupled with the innovative ideas and perspectives of today’s youth, serve as the cornerstone for building a brighter future. It is in this spirit of collaboration and mutual learning that we today have the honor of welcoming distinguished guests, such as His Excellency Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete, former President of the United Republic of Tanzania.


Uganda’s legal framework encourages young people to engage in development and democratic processes. Platforms such as the National Youth Council and the Youth Members of Parliament ensure that youth issues are heard and addressed from local to national levels.


Institutions of Higher Education also play a pivotal role in nurturing career growth and fostering discussions on governance, democracy and socio-economic development. The representation of student leaders on the University Councils facilitates meaningful dialogue between students and university leadership and provides opportunities for youth engagement in Uganda’s education policy. This has produced influential leaders who shape policy and public opinion as manifested in the stories of many of you present today.


Team Europe, in this case the European Union and Germany, appreciates to be among the development partners supporting this event as we are committed to empowering youth, offering them opportunities and supporting them as key drivers of change. In partnership with the German Cooperation, we support various youth organizations through the GIZ Civil Society Support Programme (CUSP) and strengthen their capacities to engage with state partners in developing policies and opportunities for youth representation. Among them, we support the Uganda Youth Network and the National Youth Parliament.


I would like also to mention here the EU-funded Erasmus+ programme which we are proud of. Erasmus+ offers mobility opportunities for Ugandan students and academic staff in Africa and Europe. In 2023, more than 400 Ugandan students and academic staff benefitted from the programme that offers them the opportunity to study and continue their research in Europe and Erasmus partner countries, gaining not just knowledge but also valuable international experience, new friends and connections.


In addition to our support to youth, we are thrilled about the Youth Sounding Board that we established last year. This board is composed of 20 young, dynamic Ugandans from across the country. Their mission is to advise the European Union’s cooperation in Uganda, ensuring it is more participatory and better able to address the needs of young Ugandans. This board represents a concrete step towards engaging youth, and we are excited about the fresh perspectives and innovative ideas they bring.

In closing, I extend my sincere gratitude to the Guild Presidents Leadership Academy for organizing this event that advances the aspirations of young leaders across the country. The European Union is fully committed to supporting Uganda in harnessing the incredible potential of its young and talented people. Let us continue to utilize the power of collaboration and cross-generational learning towards a prosperous Uganda.





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