
Opposition presents UGX 43 trillion Alternative Budget for 2024-2025

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The opposition in Uganda has unveiled its alternative budget for the upcoming financial year 2024/25, amounting to Shs43.404 trillion, with a focus on bolstering agriculture, education, and works and transport sectors.

This budget stands in stark contrast to the government’s proposal of Shs58.34 trillion presented to Parliament.

With a significant disparity of Shs15 trillion between the opposition’s budget and the government’s proposal, the alternative budget seeks to allocate resources strategically to address pressing national priorities.

Under the opposition’s alternative budget, works and transport receive a substantial allocation of shillings 6.549 trillion, reflecting the importance of infrastructure development and connectivity in driving economic growth.

Health is prioritized with an allocation of Shs5.944 trillion, emphasising the need for enhanced healthcare services and infrastructure to improve public health outcomes.

Agriculture, animal industry, and fisheries receive Shs3.032 trillion, underscoring the importance of the agricultural sector in driving food security and livelihoods for millions of Ugandans.

Other key sectors prioritised in the alternative budget include defense and veteran affairs, internal affairs, energy and mineral development, justice and constitutional affairs, public service and local government, and the presidency.

The opposition’s alternative budget aims to address the critical needs of Ugandan citizens while ensuring fiscal responsibility and accountability in government spending.

As debates unfold in parliament over the competing budget proposals, stakeholders are closely monitoring the deliberations to ensure that the final budget reflects the best interests of the Ugandan people.

Source: Nile Post

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