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Lucy Nakyobe, the Head of Public Service and Chairperson of the National Organizing Committee for the upcoming Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) Summit and the G77+China summits, toured the infrastructure projects related to the summits to evaluate the progress.

These summits are set to take place at Speke Resort Munyonyo from January 15 to 23, 2024.

Nakyobe, accompanied by David Luyimbazi, the Deputy Executive Director of Kampala Capital City Authority (KCCA), embarked on a foot tour this Tuesday and Wednesday, conducting a comprehensive inspection of the road works.

Throughout the inspection, they actively engaged with local business owners and the public, along Ggaba road assessing the condition of the area, they proceeded to Wavamunno road, where Nakyobe inspected the drainage system and later walked through the Nsambya junction to Mukwano roundabout.

KCCA is actively leading the efforts to rehabilitate more than 35 kilometers of roads, a pivotal element of the comprehensive preparations.

Several roads, including Cape/Wavamuno road, Ggaba road, Mukwano road, and Press House road, are currently undergoing pavement and drainage repairs.

Noteworthy improvements include the installation of culvert crossings for drainage on Cape road (Auto Spa) and Ggaba road (Bunga-Soya), with completion anticipated in the near future.

Routes leading to selected hotels and diversion routes during the summit, such as UCB Rise, Mobutu road, Prince Badru Kakungulu road, Salaama road, Tankhill, and Seriso road, are also in the process of repair and enhancement.

Nakyobe praised KCCA for their commendable efforts, acknowledging the progress made. However, she urged the contractors to expedite their work and adhere to the schedule for timely completion.

During her tour, Nakyobe also took the opportunity to inspire property owners, emphasizing the importance of enhancing the aesthetic appeal of their structures, improving frontiers, and upholding trade order. This, she highlighted, is crucial in preparation for upcoming global events.

The chairperson underscored the positive advancement of road repairs, assuring seamless transportation for summit attendees. Nakyobe expressed confidence in the ongoing progress and urged all stakeholders to continue their dedicated efforts.

The NAM Summit is themed, ‘Deepening Cooperation for Shared Global Affluence,’ while the G77+China will emphasize ‘Leaving No One Behind.’ Both themes underscore the importance of international cooperation and addressing global challenges.

During her tour, Nakyobe also witnessed the installation of the NAM Summit monument, symbolizing the significance of the event on the international stage.

Luyimbazi emphasized KCCA’s proactive approach in actively engaging communities at the grassroots level to enhance awareness. Furthermore, he underscored the commitment of KCCA to address the need for dustbins in areas currently lacking them.

Luyimbazi assured that KCCA is dedicated to completing the tasks promptly and with the utmost emphasis on meeting the required quality standards.

Source:KCCA Media

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