
Parliament has today confirmed Yusuf Nsibambi the Mawookota South MP FDC whip in Parliament replacing the Kira municipality Mp Ibrahim Ssemujju Nganda.

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By Kiyingi Godfrey/KMA Updates
11th October,2023
Parliament has today confirmed the Mawookota South MP who also doubles as the Shadow minister for works Yusuf Nsibambi as the new forum for Democratic change Party Whip in parliament replacing the Kira Municipality Mp Ibrahim Ssemujju Nganda.

While opening today’s plenary sitting, the deputy speaker of parliament Thomas Tayebwa read the letter from the speaker of parliament Rt. Hon.Anita Among confirming the appointment of Yusuf Nsibambi as the new party whip in parliament.

In her letter, Speaker of Parliament noted that they first desisted his appointment because she had received a letter from Buhweju Mp Francis Mwijukye challenging the appointment of Yusuf Nsibambi as the party whip replacing Ibrahim Ssemujju Nganda noting that the Secretary General had not followed the constitution while appointing him.

The letter  stated that  on 6th October, court made the ruling that FDC was free to conduct elections and get new office bearers and  saying that  on 8th October this year following successful election, the party Secretary General Nathan Nandala Mafabi wrote to her informing her that the delegates conference appointed Yusuf Nsibambi as the new party whip which she also accepted.

However, although the opposition members of parliament have decided to boycott the plenary sittings up to until they receive an apology and statement on the brutal arrest of the National Unity platform Party leaders and supporters, Yusuf Nsibambi attended today’s sitting and he  highlighted what he intends to do to keep the party together adding that he will not be a Supervisor of some sort but will do what he can to keep the members of FDC together.

Yusuf Nsibambi told the committee that his appointment is a very big challenge but he will try his level best to work with all other members od different Parties including the ruling government.


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