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The Territorial Police in Busoga East Region and Bugweri CPS, arrested a female suspect, identified as Namuli Alima, a 21 year old, resident of nankoma “B” zone in Bugiri zone, for conspiracy to Robbery, after she served two Private guards of Bugadde SACCO Idudi Branch with sedated soft drinks of Mirinda fruit, on the night of 14.09.2023. The two guards fell unconscious and slept off. They included Okalt Samuel and Okwaja Alex,

After the robbery of the SACCO, the suspect escaped to her home village, in Mayuge. She was tracked down and arrested from Luba village, Lwanika sub-county in Mayuge district and transferred to Bugweri CPS. The soda that was laced with intoxicating substances was submitted to the GAL for further Forensic analysis.

In a separate development, two more private security guards, were sedated with chloroform, while guarding a Pepsi depot at Kamuli Town Council in Gomba district on the 11.09.2023. And thereafter locked in two trucks by the perpetrators who stole a safe containing Ugx 17m. The safe was abandoned at Wasinda village, located 2kms from the depot, without the cash. A riffle that belonged to the Private security guards, was abandoned next to depot building.


SCP Enanga Fred

Police Spokesperson

19th Sept. 2023

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