
Uganda Reopens Cuban Embassy After 23 Years

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The decision to reopen the embassy was announced by President Museveni in 2016 after a meeting with then Cuban Vice President Salvador Valdes Mesa. The embassy had been closed in 2000 due to financial constraints.

During the G77 summit, Uganda and Cuba also signed a Memorandum of Understanding related to Science, Technology, and Innovation, further solidifying their ties.

It is worth noting that next year, Cuba will transfer the chairmanship of the G77 to Uganda, signifying the increasing importance of their relationship on the global stage.

Uganda and Cuba have a long history of friendship, having established diplomatic relations in 1974. This friendship has resulted in collaboration in various fields, including education, sports, and politics.

Academic exchanges between Cuban and Ugandan universities have been a notable aspect of their cooperation, along with joint projects in the education sector. Additionally, the ruling parties of both countries, Uganda’s National Resistance Movement and the Cuban Communist Party, have maintained close ties.

Over the years, Cuban doctors and agricultural scientists have worked in Uganda, thanks to the strong bilateral relationship. Furthermore, Cuban professors have been actively engaged in teaching at Ugandan universities, while Ugandan students have had opportunities to study in China through scholarships.

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