
Dear UNAA Membership, friends of UNAA, and Diaspora at Large-THANK YOU ALL AND FAREWELL!!!

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Dear UNAA Membership, friends of UNAA, and Diaspora at Large,
I am writing this letter with immense gratitude and appreciation for your presence and active participation at the 35th Annual Convention. It was truly an exceptional event, and it would not have been possible without your enthusiastic support and engagement. On behalf of the entire outgoing UNAA Executive, I extend my heartfelt thanks to each and every one of you who was involved in delivering such a momentous event that has made history.
I would like to express special thanks to the Dallas Local Organizing Committee chaired by Mr. Gilbert Mulaabi and Mrs. Aisha Musoke Mugga, for their tireless efforts in planning and executing a spectacular convention. Their dedication, meticulous attention to detail, and commitment to excellence were evident in every aspect of the event. The seamless coordination and flawless execution truly made the convention an unforgettable experience for all attendees.
I would also like to recognize and appreciate the DFW local leaders, President Mrs. Florence Bazanye Tugume and Vice President, Mr. Daniel Engole, who were instrumental in making this convention a resounding success. Your unwavering support, guidance, and leadership have played a pivotal role in fostering a strong sense of unity within DFW and UNAA. I would like to thank the current Board of Trustees, outgoing UNAA Executive and Council members that were involved in one way or another in organizing this momentous event, your time, and contributions in one way or another reaped tenfold, Thank you. Special thanks go to the Board of Trustees that were able to have a successful AGM with an amended constitution that has be implemented. Special thanks go to all our Invited guests and Speakers that travelled far and wide, within and out of the USA, thank you for gracing our occasion.
I must also acknowledge the individual teams that worked diligently behind the scenes. From logistics to programming, from hospitality to technical support, the meals, each team worked harmoniously to create an environment where ideas could flourish, connections could be built, and inspiration could be found. Your unwavering commitment and collective effort were instrumental in making the convention a memorable and enriching experience for all.
The unity demonstrated throughout the convention is a testament to the strength of our organization. As members of the UNAA, we understand the critical importance of working together to achieve our shared goals. Through your active participation, you have shown that unity is not just a word but a guiding principle that resonates within our community evidenced by the over 2000 of us converging at the Hilton Anatole. No other Immigrant Diaspora Organization does what we do, so we should be proud of ourselves. Please click and enjoy;
I would also like to extend my heartfelt congratulations to President Lambert Etibot and your entire team, who will be working alongside you to drive the vision and goals of the UNAA. The collective expertise and diverse perspectives that your team brings to the table will undoubtedly contribute to the success and growth of our organization. Together, I am very confident that you will navigate the challenges and seize the opportunities that lie ahead and I have no doubt that your leadership will bring about positive and transformative changes within our organization. President Etibot, I believe that your tenure will be marked by innovation, transformative initiatives, and a steadfast commitment to the principles that underpin the UNAA some of which we have introduced and implemented in UNAA today compared to the UNAA we inherited 4 years ago.
✅UNAA had lost its status and we had to refile to reinstate its Status as an Operating NGO in the USA,
✅ Filed all taxes pending from 2017 to date,
✅ Regained and cleaned the organization’s Credit status that today we can actually ask for credit and it’s given as an entity as we organize these gatherings,
✅Have a life insurance program and repatriation program for those that loose loved ones,
✅ Have continued to promote Trade and Investment activities between the US and Uganda with record attendances in the just concluded convention,
✅Have partnered with prestigious Education institutions such as Makerere University, Mbarara University, Arizona State University, & have even offered scholarships to our members with one graduating with his masters this year in Minnesota,
✅We lobbied for a dedicated Diaspora desk that only deals with Issues of Lands and Properties for Diaspora and we can proudly say we have one today at the Lands office,
✅We have strengthened our working relationships with our Ugandan Missions in Washington DC and New York and that is why in the past 4 years they have been closer to you offering Consular services,
✅Our administration has empowered the youth in various activities during the year and at the conventions for they are the future of UNAA,
✅ We compiled free immigration resources for members in all 50 states where people with immigration problems can access and get help
✅ Have increased our Sponsorship and Partnership base to offset our operating costs,
✅ Continued to lobby and advocate for Uganda Diaspora rights and welfare while striving to eliminate barriers that stagnate our growth as a Diaspora community. As Diaspora, we have to continue engage more and become more active in what happens in the homeland Today as we speak the Ugandan Electoral Commission and Department of Justice are working hard to make sure that we as Diaspora are able to vote in 2026.
Volunteerism lies at the heart of our organization, and the convention exemplifies this spirit in its truest form. The countless volunteers who generously gave their time, energy, and expertise to support the event are the unsung heroes of our community. Your selfless contributions and unwavering dedication are deeply appreciated, and we are grateful for the positive impact you have made.
Lastly, I would like to emphasize the utmost importance of respecting our leaders and acknowledging the sacrifices they make. Our leaders invest their valuable time and resources to guide and steer our organization towards success. Let us always remember to show them the respect they deserve and express our gratitude for their selfless service.
Once again, as I bid farewell as the outgoing UNAA President, I extend my heartfelt thanks to each and every one of you for your invaluable contributions over the 4 years and to the concluded 35th Annual Convention. Your enthusiasm, passion, and unwavering support have made UNAA an outstanding success. Let us support new leadership and continue to build upon the unity and momentum generated during the past 4 years as we strive towards a brighter future together.
With deep appreciation and warm regards,
Henrietta Nairuba Wamala,
 *Immediate Past President of the Ugandan North American Association.

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