
Kitante Primary school has hosted the Annual General Meeting of the Kampala Multipurpose and Cooperative society (KAMCOS) in their iconic ampithsatre.

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Kitante Primary school has hosted the Annual General Meeting of the Kampala Multipurpose and Cooperative society (KAMCOS) in their iconic ampithsatre. KAMCOS is a SACCO that brings together 1350 teachers from around Kampala City
Kisaka also took time off to interact with the P.2 and P.3 pupils of Kitante Primary School who were getting ready to go home
 The KCCA Executive Director, Dorothy Kisaka has applauded the teachers for the work of investing in the children.
She was giving a keynote address as Patron at the Annual General Meeting of the Kampala Miltipurpose and Cooperative society (KAMCOS). She applauded the Executive Committee chaired by Tumuhaire Spelto for mobilising 1350 teachers to save under the theme “financial advancement after Covid-19 pandemic”.
The chairman told the AGM that the SACCO has offered loans to over 2000 members amounting to 10.4Billion  revolving cash with a portfolio of 3billion. The SACCO has a goal of building a teachers village in Sentema out of their savings. KCCA seed money contribution to the SACCO was UGX 525M in the last financial year and has given momentum to the work of the SACCO.
The happy faces of pupils of Kitante Primary School. The school hosts more than 3000 pupils in a clean green environment. It is a testament of great leadership being offered by the leadership team. Kisaka applauded their good work
 Tumuhairwe Spelto, the Chairman of Kampala Primary Teachers Multipurpose Coperative Society, KAMCOS
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