
Mass Action: Protestors Gain Access to KICC as Demos Gather Steam in Nairobi as Businesses close in Nairobi city centre

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  1. Kenya opposition leaders arrested

    Kenya police have arrested opposition leaders for taking part in anti-government protests in the capital, Nairobi.

    Kilifi Senator Stewart Madzayo together with MPs Amina Mnyazi, Opiyo Wandayi and Ken Chonga are being held in custody, local media report.

    “They have arrested the minority leaders in both houses of parliament and a number of other leaders,” tweeted Senator Edwin Sifuna.

  2. One person shot amid Kenya protests

    Police lob tear gas against protesters in Nairobi

    One person has just been shot at a market near Kibera slum in Kenya’s capital, Nairobi, as protests are under way in the city.

    The BBC’s Ferdinand Omondi reports that traders are screaming that he is a mechanic, not a protester. They say it’s a police officer who fired at him.

    The wounded person has been taken to hospital on a motorcycle.

    Opposition leader Raila Odinga draws fanatical support in the area.

    It comes amid heavy presence of security officers across the city.

    Access to some roads in the city have been restricted to prevent people from gathering.

    The opposition has called for planned mass protests against the high cost of living and what they term an illegitimate presidency.


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