
Uganda’s Parliament is the process of censuring the Minister of State for Lands, Persis Namuganza today.Will she survive?

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Minister Persis Namuganza.

Recently she celebrated her latest academic achievement of a diploma in Law at IUIU universityA least 200 legislators signed in support of a censure motion against Namuganza in December 2022.


said that Minister Namuganza ought to have used proper channels of challenging the composition of the Ad hoc Committee that investigated her involvement in the Nakawa-Naguru land allocation. #PlenaryUg


Replying to

“Her conduct brought Parliament and its members into disrepute and breached paragraph 5 of the Code of Conduct in Appendix 5 of the Rules of Procedure of Parliament,” Select committee chairperson


Parliament of Uganda


says Hon Namuganza did not appear before the select committee for a fair hearing despite several attempts. “Hon Namuganza was duly served with letters inviting her to appear before the committee…” #PlenaryUg

Presiding over the house.Rt.Hon Deputy Speaker Thomas Tayebwa

All Photos by Alex Esagala/POU