
Kisenyi Health Center IV has scooped the 2022 safe motherhood award, another indication of quality services delivered by Kampala Capital City Authority (KCCA).

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Kisenyi Health Center IV has scooped the 2022 safe motherhood award, another indication of quality services delivered by Kampala Capital City Authority (KCCA).
The facility scored the highest in the country on all safe motherhood parameters of family planning, antenatal care, obstetric care, postnatal, post abortion care, STDs and HIV control, communication and behavioral change, primary health care, equity and education for women. During the safe motherhood conference that was held in Kampala in October by the Maternal Child Health and Nutrition project funded by USAID, awarded Kisenyi HC IV for safe motherhood.
Sr. Elizabeth Egesa, the in-charge of Kisenyi Health Centre IV revealed that the Health Center handles close to 10,000 maternal deliveries and 12,000 mothers visiting for antenatal care a year.
She said she wasn’t so much surprised that during the recently concluded Safe Motherhood Conference held under the theme ‘a responsive health workforce for safe motherhood’ in October; Kisenyi HC IV was awarded an accolade of the best Health Center IV in the country for safe motherhood.
“Kisenyi has the most post-natal attendance in this country. There is great teamwork in Kisenyi and good client care. We received three substance anesthetists who help us in our theatre to operate 24/7” Egesa said
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