
The Speaker Anita Among Magogo expresses dismay at the continued leaking of committee reports before they are presented before the House.

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“Rule 216 (1) prohibits the publishing of a report or any evidence in committees before the report is tabled in the House… #PlenaryUg

She said”I hereby caution Members and staff from such information leakages. I may be prompted to issue sanctions against such breaches of the ethics required of Members”


he State Minister for Sports, Hon. Peter Ogwang pleads with

to allow

understudy The Sports Bill, 2022 on Monday, 14 November 2022. Hon. Moses Magogo is scheduled to present the bill, as a private member, for First Reading during this afternoon sitting.

The State Minister for Sports, Hon. Peter Ogwang pleads with

to allow

understudy The Sports Bill, 2022 on Monday, 14 November 2022. Hon. Moses Magogo is scheduled to present the bill, as a private member, for First Reading during this afternoon sitting.

Hon. Peter Ogwang insists that Cabinet will harmonise the private Member’s Bill and the

bill during their Monday Cabinet meting and thereafter present a comprehensive bill to

Buikwe County South MP, Dr Lulume Bayigga, questions the Sports Minister’s insistence on delaying the presentation of the private Member’s Bill. Minister concedes, very reluctantly.

Esther Anyakun, State Minister for Disaster Preparedness, is presenting a Statement to

on the National Disaster Risk Management Plan

Hon. Asuman Basalirwa, representing the mover, presenting The National Sports Bill, 2022 for First Reading. The Committee on Education and Sports been directed to scrutinise the bill and report back to

within 45 days. Minister advised to give input to committee.

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