
Speaker Oulanyah contributes Shs120m towards Church House project

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By Julius Mugaga/KMA Updates.

Photo by Julius Mugaga/KMA Updates


The Speaker of Parliament, Jacob Oulanyah, has fulfilled his pledge of Shs100 million to the Church of Uganda.

This is part of his contribution to the Church House campaign dubbed Love Gift which is aimed at clearing a Shs60 billion debt owed to Equity Bank.

The Archbishop of Church of Uganda, Most Rev. Stephen Kaziimba Mugalu, who received the funds from the Speaker on Thursday, 11 November 2021 at his reisdence in Namirembe, earlier in the year asked Christians to contribute money to clear the debt incurred during the construction of the Church House.

The Speaker made the pledge at the Uganda Martyrs’ Day Celebrations in June.

Oulanyah also cleared his pledge of Shs20 million meant for the purchase of five solar lights for the Martyrs Shrine at Nakiyanja in Namugongo.

The Speaker said he was delighted to honour his pledge to aid in the smooth running of the Church and its projects.

“I made a pledge and the onus is on me to honour it; it has not been easy to collect such a lump sum which is why I asked for six months and I am pleased to deliver as promised,” he added.

Archbishop Kaziimba prays for the Speaker after receiving the contribution

Archbishop Kaziimba Mugalu said that it was indeed the calling of God to have Oulanyah as one of the  leaders to support the call and deliver on it.

“Many make these kinds of promises and never deliver. This implies that you are God-sent and a leader of his word; that is why God elevated you from being a Deputy Speaker to the Speaker of Parliament and he shall continue to manifest in you through various ways,” he added.

Kaziimba requested the Speaker to intervene in the dispute in Kumi Diocese where Rev. Charles Okunya insists on being appointed Bishop of the Diocese.

“Rev. Okunya has caused disturbance amongst the Christians of Kumi for refusing to heed the Church’s recommendation and insisted that he must be consecrated as Bishop,” he said adding that, ‘the Church will not appoint him forcefully’.


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