
Mnangagwa Has No Capacity To Charm World Leaders

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A Correspondent- Malawi citizens under the banner’ Social Revolution Movement’ on Friday, November 5, 2021, gave President Lazarus Chakwera seven days to immediately address the country’s economic problems or step down.

The grouping hinted that the Office of the Cabinet and President should respond to their concerns regarding social-economic challenges Malawians are going through.

The demonstrations which were endorsed by the Centre for Democracy and Economic Development Initiatives (CDEDI) started from Lilongwe Community Ground. They were under the theme “Reclaiming a better Malawi.”

Speaking after the demonstrations, Movement leader, Phunziro Mvula, said they will hold mass demonstrations if their grievances will not be answered.

Mvula added that they want the office to address the rise in the cost of living due to heavy taxes and levies and the newly imposed Value Added Tax (VAT) on banking services.

He further said that government should also fulfil its promise of creating jobs and also uplifting local farmers.

We want our government to condemn corrupt activities by Malawians of Asian origin and to stop offering jobs to retired personal at the expenses of young and vibrant youthful professionals. They should address its failure and uplift health and education services.

We also protested against failure by government in the fight against corruption as evident by the abuse of MK6.2 billion and the issue of creation of new constituencies which will just put another burden on our already frail and fragile economy should be addressed.

The group also wants Chakwera and his administration to address the issue of cabinet and unwanted presidential advisors.

Lilongwe City Council (LCC) Deputy Director Administration Hudson Kumphanga received the petition, therefore, assuring the group that their concerns will be sent to the office of the president and cabinet as soon as possible.

Chakwera pledged, in his preelection campaign, to address issues bedevilling the country but observers say the issues continue unabated.

Chakwera Faces Ouster Over “Ailing” Economy – ZimEye

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