
FESOJ Commemorated the International Day to end impunity for crimes against journalists

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FESOJ Commemorated the International Day to end impunity for crimes against journalists

Mogadishu, November 02, 2021: in cooperation with the United Nations Assistance Mission (UNSOM), the Federation of Somali Journalists (FESOJ) has organized and conducted a high-level panel discussion forum event marking the International Day to End Impunity for Crimes against Journalists (IDEI) at Sahafi Hotel in Mogadishu on November 02 2021.

The panel discussion forum event was aimed to promote the need for ensuring the safety of the journalists and an end to impunity.

The main participants were seventy persons from the civil society organizations’ various sectors, including media managers, women media associations, journalists, judiciary and human rights activists.

The panel Forum led by Mohamed Mohamud Adde, veteran BBC journalist, Abdullahi Mohamed Shirwac, civil society activists, Leyla Osman from Media Women Association, Mohamed Elmi Mahila, human rights activists and Ahmed Abdullahi, Deputy Attorney General, discussed significant issues relating to the crimes against journalists and the need to end impunity.

In his opening remarks through online Ari Gaitanis, Chief of Strategic Communications and Public Affairs, UNSOM, mentioned last year that, according to the UN, 63 journalists worldwide had been killed just for doing their jobs. Many of them were covering conflicts. However, the number of journalists who have been killed outside battles have risen.

In addition, he indicated that journalists face many other threats, including kidnapping, torture, arbitrary detention, disinformation and harassment. He pointed out that impunity for many journalists is exceptionally high. “according to UN date almost nine out 10 cases of crimes against journalists go unpunished.” He added.

“The UN stands with everyone else in solidarity with journalists, other civil society actors, governments around the world today, every day to demonstrate the will needed to investigate crimes against journalists and media workers.” He highlighted.

During the panel Forum, the key issues discussed and questions raised mainly focused on investigating the crimes against the journalists and media. It was mentioned the Attorney General had established a particular office working on dealing and following up on cases of violation against the press and journalists.

It was highlighted that journalist has the constitutional rights to seek information and report for the benefit of the community. It was indicated that some of these reports might annoy certain politicians. It was pointed out that violence against the journalist and the media has decreased recent in comparison to the previous years.

As result, the journalists’ concern over the impunity for crimes against journalists in Somalia was raised, and the issues of impunity and justice in regard to the safety of journalists were presented.

Furthermore, the event has raised the need to call the concerned government authorities to respond appropriately to end the impunity for crimes against the journalists.

During the panel discussion, it was stressed for the need to look into the CPJ recorded 25 cases of violation against the journalists that have not been investigated

In conclusion, Abadir Abdulkadir Elmi, Chairman of FESOJ has appreciated the panel discussion event and the participants for their time commemorating the IDEI event.

He pointed out FESOJ has been engaged in the last three years in the efforts to train the journalists and the police on freedom of expression , safety of journalists, and public order ahead of the elections.

“These training programs have been conducted to create cooperation between the journalists and the police to create conducive environment.” Abadir Abdulkadir Elmi said.

He added that FESOJ has provided the journalists with a printed copy of a booklet entitled “Journalist Know Your Rights”, which is intended to raise their awareness and understanding of issues relating to the journalists’ labour rights.

It was highlighted that journalist has the constitutional right to seek information and report for the benefit of the community. It was indicated that some of these reports might annoy certain politicians. It was pointed out that violence against journalists and the media has decreased recently compared to the previous years.

As a result, the journalists’ concern over the impunity for crimes against journalists in Somalia was raised, and the issues of impunity and justice regarding the safety of journalists were presented.

Furthermore, the event has raised the need to call the concerned government authorities to respond appropriately to end the impunity for crimes against the journalists.

During the panel discussion, it was stressed for the need to look into the CPJ recorded 25 cases of violation against the journalists that have not been investigated

In conclusion, Abadir Abdulkadir Elmi, Chairman of FESOJ, has appreciated the panel discussion event and the participants for their time commemorating the IDEI event.

He pointed out FESOJ has been engaged in the last three years to train the journalists and the police on freedom of expression, the safety of journalists, and public order ahead of the elections.

“These training programs have been conducted to create cooperation between the journalists and the police to create a conducive environment.” Abadir Abdulkadir Elmi said.

He added that FESOJ had provided the journalists with a printed copy of a booklet entitled “Journalists Know Your Rights” intended to raise their awareness and understanding of journalists’ labour rights issues.



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