
Breaking News: Bomb explosion in Kyanja, scores dead

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A bomb has exploded in Komamboga, Kyanja a Kampala suburb leaving scores of revellers dead.

The explosion occurred a few minutes past 9pm on Saturday night.

The police authorities in charge of the area have confirmed of the explosion but said details are scanty.

Police couldn’t confirm the number of the people killed and injured.

The explosion happened at Digida Bar and police said they targeted pork eaters and partiers.

The United Kingdom recently warned that terrorists could carry out an attack in Uganda, but police say there is no need to elevate the threat levels.

In a statement on Thursday, the UK government called on their nationals to be extremely vigilant about their security “especially in crowded and public places like hotels, transport hubs, restaurants and bars, and during major gatherings like sporting or religious events”.

“Attacks could be indiscriminate, including in places visited by foreigners. UK Counter Terrorism Policing has information and advice on staying safe abroad and what to do in the event of a terrorist attack,” the statement reads.

Uganda Police spokesman Fred Enanga confirmed the presence of sleeper cells in the country, adding that efforts to dismantle them are ongoing.

“Despite the emerging sleeper cells our terror alert levels are not elevated yet,” Mr Enanga said.

Although the UK did not mention which terrorist group is behind the threat, Uganda security agencies recently accused the Allied Democratic Forces (ADF) rebels of attempting to carry out terror attacks.

According to the Police, the explosion happened at around 9 pm on Saturday, during curfew, at an eating point called Digida in Komamboga parish.

“One person has been fatally wounded and 7 others rushed to Mulago National Referral hospital, with serious injuries,” a police statement reads.

The chief political commissar of the Uganda Police, AIGP Asan Kasingye says that the explosion was due to a bomb. Kasingye was quick to point out that the police would release an official statement.

“There was a bomb blast. Two persons a young lady and a gentleman fatally wounded and others admitted with serious injuries,” AIGP Kasingye tweeted.

NTV Uganda reporter, Patrick Ssenyondo who visited the scene reports that eyewitnesses claim that at least 3 people have, so far, died due to the explosion.

The police are yet to determine the real cause of the explosion.

“The scene has been cordoned off, and our joint task teams from the bomb squad called to thoroughly document the scene, to help determine whether the explosion arose out of an intentional act or not,” The Police stamens reads.

Additional reporting by NTV.

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