
President Mothers Union Buganda Mrs. Kasaato preaches value addition to harness development in Sempa Luweero

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President Mothers Union Buganda Mrs. Kasaato challenged farmers to endeavor to add value to their products so as to get better returns. Mrs. Kasaato made the remarks Saturday, June 29, while presiding over a mothers Union meeting at Sempa Luweero Diocese Luweero District where she urged women to embrace modern farming methods.

Also, amongst the aims is to uplift rural women and to support them in what they do like agriculture, weaving etc. through buying their products and training them in modern faming.

In an interview with KMA Updates, Mrs. Kasaato further said that “the money collected will be used to buy chairs” which people in their area will be hiring hence income generation to the group.”

“Apart from supporting these  rural women about value addition, we also support them by   buying their products from their gardens and all that they do within their Spaces.So,today,we   again bought their products  and  they will use this very money to buy  plastic chairs  for rentals to different people organising functions. So, mothers Union Buganda  has that program called Harambee.Its all about supporting  rural and urban women in their projects and all they want to do to ensure that they have some money for the fellowship and again for their own  purposes and their families”

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