
Various events are taking place in many countries around the world to mark International Albinism Awareness Day.

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Today, June 13, various events are taking place in many countries around the world to mark International Albinism Awareness Day. The event was launched by the United Nations in 2015, UNN writes.

Albinism is a rare genetic disorder where you aren’t born with the usual amount of melanin pigment. Melanin is a chemical in your body that determines the color of your skin, hair and eyes. Most people with albinism have very pale skin, hair and eyes. They are prone to sunburn and skin cancer.

Albinos are extremely sensitive to the sun, because their body synthesizes vitamin D 5 times faster.

Albinism occurs due to a cellular malfunction, and a person is not to blame for the existence of such a defect, so the main goal of today’s event is to draw humanity’s attention to the problem of discrimination against people with albinism, to raise public awareness of albinism and its causes.

Today, tailors and people who love to sew can join the celebration of Sewing Machine Day. It was on June 13, 1790, that the sewing machine for sewing sails and leather goods was patented in the UK.

The first prototypes of sewing machines began to appear in the 15th century. In 1755, he designed a machine that used a needle with an eyelet near the sharp tip.

In 1829, Barthelemy Timon patented a sewing machine that was as close as possible to modern analogues.

On June 13, sports enthusiasts can join the Day of Softball, a sport that appeared in the United States in the late 19th century.

Softball is a type of baseball played with a larger ball and on a smaller field. The main differences between softball and baseball are the size of the ball, the size of the playing field, and the pitching style. Softballs are larger and heavier than baseballs, and are usually thrown from the bottom rather than from the top, as in baseball. Additionally, softball fields are smaller than baseball fields, with shorter base paths and less distance between bases.

And fans of extreme entertainment can take part in the celebration of the Axe Throwing Day today.

Axe throwing originated in ancient times as a competition between woodcutters, and by now it has become a sport.

Christians of the Eastern rite celebrate the Ascension of the Lord today.

After His Resurrection from the dead, Jesus Christ spent forty days among His disciples, strengthening their faith and preparing them to receive the grace of the Holy Spirit. During this period, He appeared to the apostles and spoke to them, continuing to teach them about the Kingdom of Heaven. Each appearance of Christ brought comfort and hope to his followers, for they saw that their Master had truly conquered death.1

On the fortieth day after His Resurrection, Christ gathered His apostles on Mount Eleon near Jerusalem. There, the Savior gave his disciples their last instructions, calling them to go into the world, make disciples of all nations, and baptize them in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. He promised to be with them always and blessed them.

Then Jesus began to ascend into heaven, and the apostles watched the miracle. A cloud enveloped Jesus and He disappeared from their sight. At that moment, two angels appeared in white clothes.

Oleksandr, Danylo, and Ivan Antonina celebrate their name days on June 13.

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