
Suspect lynched by angry mob over theft of Shs25m Sacco money

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SSP DIANA NANDAWULA, THE BUSOGA EAST POLICE SPOKESPERSON CONFIRMED THE INCIDENTIganga, (UG):- The Territorial Police in Iganga have launched an investigation into a case of mob justice in Nawaningi Sub-county where a suspect was lynched by angry residents for allegedly stealing cash amounting to Shs25 million from their savings group.The incident, registered on Tuesday, June 11 at Lwerera Village along Iganga-Kaliro Road happened when the members of the Twisakilala Saving Group gathered to share their savings but later disagreed for a yet-to-be-known issue and they tasked Ms Kutesa Jenifer, the chairperson of the group to first keep the savings.

However, on the night of the same day, three people armed with sticks reportedly attacked Ms Kutesa and robbed her of the money after beating her to commas. The locals reportedly arrested one of the suspects yet to be identified and lynched him,” said Busoga East police spokesperson SSP Diana Nandawula in a Wednesday Police statement.

“The group members had sat to share their savings but later disagreed at a certain point and decided to first leave the savings with the chairperson. But on the night of that day, three people attacked the chairperson and stole the money before the community mobilized and killed one as the two escaped.”

This publication has learnt that police have arrested some of the group members to help them with investigations after reports from the community and group members suggesting them as key suspects in the matter.

“We understand that those arrested include Mr. Ibanda Umaru and Sekandi Muzamiru.

Meanwhile, reports cultivated by DailyExpress indicate that the association leadership withdrew the money from the bank in preparation for sharing the savings, and two other members of the group identified as Mr. Ibanda Umaru and Sekandi Muzamiru agreed with the chairperson where to keep the money before leaving her in the house.

“The two suggested putting the money under the sofa and going out but after like 5 minutes when the two had moved out, three people attacked the chairperson who was alone in the house with her son outside and removed the sofa and took the money even without asking where the money was,” the LC1 chairperson of the village Mr. Muwumba Mubaraka narrated the story.

He adds that the two perpetrators went with the money while the one who first aimed at injuring Ms. Kutesa remained behind and the son Ms. Kutesa Jenifer followed him up to the trading center where he alerted the public and they started beating him up.

The village chairperson Mr. Muwumba reportedly tried to shield the suspect before reporting to the police but one of the members who was involved in storing the money insisted and hit the suspect twine on the head with stones before he fell unconscious and died.

The police have since used these reports in their investigations and arrest of two group members. This publication has also learnt that the deceased suspect and the two suspects currently on the run were not known in the area.

Police took the suspect’s body to Iganga General Hospital Mortuary at Nakavule for postmortem examination while the assaulted group Chairperson Ms. Kutesa was taken to the same facility for medication as a search for the two suspects with the money continues

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