
Life Sentence for Mbale Witchdoctor in Child Sacrifice Case

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On Wednesday, May 22, 2024, the High Court in Mbale sentenced witchdoctor Ibrahim Isiko to life imprisonment. He was found guilty of several serious charges, including murder, human sacrifice, facilitating human sacrifice, possession of instruments for human sacrifice, and aggravated trafficking in children. This verdict marks a significant step in the fight against human sacrifice and child trafficking in Uganda, according to Jacquelyn Okui, the public relations officer for the Directorate of Public Prosecution (ODPP).The case began in September 2022 when Ibrahim Isiko and his brother Jamadah Isiko were arrested in connection with the murder of a five-year-old boy. The child had disappeared three weeks earlier from his home in Cisse cell, Namatala ward, Mbale Industrial City Division. The chairperson of Cisse cell, Gumono Abedi, identified the suspects as witchdoctors residing in Kiduda cell in Mbale city.

Jamadah led police detectives to a sugarcane plantation near the River Namatala on Kabwangasi Road in Namabasa ward, Mbale city, where the crime had taken place. At the scene, investigators found only the bones of the boy and a T-shirt, covered with grass and sand. Jamadah confessed to knowing about the murder, accusing his elder brother Ibrahim of beheading the boy and performing rituals with the body.

The High Court, under the guidance of Justice Godfrey Namundi, convicted Ibrahim Isiko based on the overwhelming evidence. Upon conviction, Isiko was sentenced to natural life imprisonment. This conviction underscores the serious stance Uganda’s judiciary takes against such heinous crimes.

Earlier, on May 18, 2024, Jamadah Isiko, who was also involved in the crime, opted for a plea bargain. He was sentenced to 25 years in prison and agreed to testify against his uncle Ibrahim, providing critical evidence that led to the latter’s conviction. Okui explained that the investigation into this horrific incident was conducted meticulously by the Uganda Police Force, with significant support from Kyampisi Childcare Ministries. This organization is also taking care of the survivor, who is a key witness in the case.

The prosecution in this case was led by Aliwaali Kizito, a Chief State Attorney in the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions.

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