
Amongi Leads Delegation to Qatar for Migrant Worker Protection

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On Tuesday, May 21, 2024, Uganda’s Gender and Labour Minister, Betty Amongi, arrived in Doha, Qatar. She brought with her a delegation of over 40 Ugandan recruitment companies to discuss how to safely send Ugandan workers abroad.

According to a statement from the ministry, the main goal of this visit is to ensure that Ugandan workers who go to Qatar are safe and their rights are protected. Amongi and the delegation met with recruitment companies in Qatar to talk about ways to achieve this.

The Ugandan companies are working on creating partnership deals with their counterparts in Qatar. These deals will be shared with Ugandan-licensed companies back in Uganda once the delegation returns. This is to make sure there is a strong framework in place to protect the rights of Ugandan workers who go to Qatar.

In addition to these discussions, Minister Amongi will participate in a ministerial meeting with labour ministers from various countries. These countries include those from Africa, the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries, Jordan, and Lebanon. This meeting is organized by the African Union, where Amongi is the chair of the Specialized Technical Committee on Labour and Social Development.

The meeting aims to bring together labour ministers from these regions to discuss and improve the conditions for migrant workers. Amongi’s role in these discussions highlights Uganda’s commitment to ensuring the safety and rights of its citizens working abroad.

By the end of the visit, it is hoped that there will be clear agreements and frameworks in place to ensure that Ugandan workers in Qatar and other GCC countries are treated fairly and their rights are upheld.

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