
The International Day of Midwife Celebrations in Uganda; a day to remember

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Gulu, (UG):- While access to reproductive maternal newborn child and adolescent health care is still a luxury some women can’t afford or access in many parts of the world, it’s important to note that midwives provide crucial maternal care and can help mothers and newborns live and lead healthy lives before, during, and after birth.

Notably, the latest evidence shows that the mainstream public healthcare system in Uganda comprises less than 50% of the midwives YET over 80% of the maternal health services are provided by midwives. This clearly shows the tremendous work done by midwives.

In Uganda, this year’s International Day of the Midwife (IDM) celebrations took place at Kaunda grounds, Gulu City on 05th May 2024. In the early morning of D-day, we started off with a matching from the city council, through Gulu town up to Kaunda grounds where the event was held. Hundreds and hundreds of midwives were seen happily matching in celebration of International Day of the Midwife.

Lots of people in Gulu City were seen staring at the happily matching midwives with the UPDF band taking the lead. When we arrived at Kaunda grounds, I was more than humbled to be given an opportunity to play the MC role once again, courtesy of my fellow MC from Gulu Regional Referral Hospital (GRRH). I was amused.

The event attracted many stakeholders such as officials from the Ministry of Health, UNFPA, the Embassy of Sweden, UNHCR, politicians, members from health training institutions, and those from public, and private health facilities, including those from private not-for-profit facilities, to mention but a few. Generally, people attended in large numbers, and this was evident.

Around 10:00 am, the Chief Guest arrived with his team and the event started off in high gear with the UPDF band leading the National Anthem, East African Anthem, Midwives’ Anthem, Acholi Anthem, and an opening prayer by the Sheikh. This was followed by an inspection of the parade, various stalls and tents with the midwives, and the Chief Guest with his team happily waved to each as he moved for exhibition.

An insightful and great speech was given by the Gulu City Health Officer, followed by a story from a mother who had given birth under the care of midwives for all her 4 children. The mother happily recognised and appreciated the work done by midwives however, she called upon the Government of Uganda to support midwives with drugs and supplies in health facilities to ease their work.

Aminah Namataka, a midwife from Busano Health Center III, Mbale district gave a touching testimony. She narrated how she sustained injuries and survived road accidents while traveling to her workplace and back home, the colleagues who have developed chronic conditions including severe back aches, yet no help has been offered to them among other challenges.

Her call to the Ministry of Health (MoH) and Government of Uganda (GOU) was to support midwives better, increase the number of midwives in the various health facilities, avail drugs and supplies in facilities, provide nearby accommodation for midwives, promote midwives in the system and put a scheme to support midwives who incur permanent injuries due to work hazards.

The matching on the International Day of the Midwife led by the NMAU President Sr Annette Kanyunyuzi (L) & Sr Jane Frances Acam (R) – Principal Nursing Officer-Midwifery Ministry of Health

On behalf of all politicians, the Woman MP for Gulu Municipality Hon. Betty Aol Ocan graced the occasion and was excited to speak to hundreds and hundreds of midwives at Kaunda grounds. She called upon the GOU to support midwives as they save the lives of mothers and newborns. She went ahead to advocate for better midwifery services.

At the center of the IDM preparations was National Midwives Association of Uganda (NMAU). When called upon, the president of NMAU, Sr Annette Kanyunyuzi highlighted the roles of midwives, noted the challenges faced by midwives and advocated for the midwifery model of care, support for midwives to perform their duties appropriately among others.

As the host for the IDM, represented by the Director Gulu Regional Referral Hospital, Dr Peter Mukobi welcomed all guests, recognised the midwives for the great work they do in their various facilities, appreciated them for attending the just ended 02-days midwifery symposium diligently and in large numbers and wished them a happy and joyous international midwives day celebration.

During the IDM celebrations in Gulu City, Dr Rony Bahatungire – the Ag Commissioner for Clinical services at MoH reminded the midwives to take into consideration the aspect of maternal morbidity too. He noted that most times, attention is given to maternal mortality and less to maternal morbidity. He highlighted the common maternal morbidity, which is a fistula, yet the quality of one’s life remains important. He attributed such morbidities to the 03 delays.

The Commissioner of Nursing and Midwifery MoH Sr Chandia Agnes Baku appreciated the collaboration between the Division of Reproductive Health MoH and the Department of Nursing and Midwifery.

She noted the first-ever strategic plan document for Nursing and Midwifery pending approval from top management. Ms Chandia went further to highlight challenges faced by midwives especially the lack of full implementation of the scheme of service, burnout leading to chronic back pain and other complications due to shortage of midwives.

Commissioner of Nursing and Midwifery MoH Sr Chandia Agnes Baku

Representing the Permanent Secretary- MoH was Dr Richard Mugahi- the Ag Commissioner Reproductive and Infant Health, commonly referred to as the self-appointed safe motherhood champion 24/7, any time and any day. He congratulated all the midwives and wished them a happy International Day of the Midwife on behalf of the PS. He however noted the pivotal role played by midwives and further applauded all the Ugandan midwives for their great work in improving maternal and newborn health.

When called upon, the SRHR Programme Coordinator Ms Julian Lunguzi from UNFPA was very excited to speak to the midwives. She recognised the pivotal role played by midwives in promoting maternal and newborn health, appreciated their tremendous work and urged them to keep committed while providing better services to save the lives of mothers and newborns.

In common with all speakers was a need to increase the number of midwives in health facilities across Uganda to further improve maternal and newborn health indicators

At Kaunda grounds was a team from The Embassy of Sweden, represented by Deputy Ambassador Adam Kahsai-Rudebeck, who was much grateful to the midwives and their great work leading to improved maternal and newborn health indicators. He congratulated them and wished them a happy International Midwives’ Day.

Lilian Nuwabaine-CPD Coordinator Aga Khan University leading the Aga Khan University team in the matching to Kaunda grounds

Interestingly, the Resident City Commissioner (RCC) was on the ground. Having noted the work done by midwives, she appreciated and called them to provide better services, improve their attitude and serve wholeheartedly. The RCC then invited the day’s Chief guest.

Noting a reduction in the maternal mortality rate from 336death/100,000 live births in 2016 to 189/100,000 live births in 2022, a reduction in neonatal mortality, a reduction in infant mortality and a reduction in under-five mortality as per the 2022 Uganda Demographic and Health Survey (UDHS), representing the Minister of Health, Director general and Director Curative services was Dr Waniaye John Baptist (the chief Guest and Commissioner-Emergency Medical Services at MoH) who attributed such great improvements to the midwives of Uganda.

He noted that the 2022 UDHS showed that over 90% of our mothers deliver from lower health facilities (IIIs) under a skilled birth attendant, with the midwives are at the center of it all. He therefore appreciated all the Ugandan midwives for their tremendous work/efforts and encouraged them to keep committed and saving more lives of mothers and newborns. Conclusively, he wished them happy, joyous, and wonderful International Midwives’ Day celebrations.

Arrival of the Chief Guest -representing Minister of Health, Director General & Director Curative services – Dr Wainaye John Baptist (Commissioner-Emergency Medical Services-MoH) and Dr Richard Mugahi (Ag Commissioner Reproductive and Infant Health) -representing the PS-MoH

The event finally came to an end in the afternoon with the retired midwives receiving certificates of good service from the Chief Guest and team. Cake cutting was also done in presence of the Chief Guest. The UPDF band then led us in Midwives Anthem, Acholi Anthem, East African Anthem, and National Anthem. All roads led to Acholi Inn for lunch. Indeed, the 2024 International Day of the Midwife is a day to remember.

The author is; Lilian Nuwabaine Luyima; BSc Nurse and MSN-Midwife and Women’s’ Health Specialist and the Heroes in Health Award Winning Midwife

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