
Student Helicopter Saga Exposed Uganda’s Mental Poverty

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This week, the buzz around town has been all about a student who made waves by hiring a helicopter to make a grand entrance at a school prom. The news spread like wildfire, even catching the attention of a state minister of education. It seemed like the whole elite circle of the country was left in utter shock.

But let me tell you, my own shock came a few years back. Picture this: I had just treated myself to a brand new V8 Land Cruiser after years of hard graft, and let me tell you, cruising around in Uganda, it’s like you’re untouchable, barely a police siren in sight!

Feeling on top of the world, I decided to drop my kids off at the prestigious St. Andrews Turi school in Kenya. I mean, double the pride, right? So there I am, rolling up in my shiny V8, thinking I’m the bee’s knees.

But lo and behold, as I arrived at the school gates, it felt like I had stumbled into some kind of airborne circus! The place was practically a makeshift airport, with helicopters and planes aplenty, all belonging to parents dropping their kids off. Suddenly, us V8 parents seemed like the paupers of the pack!

Like the elite of Uganda this week, I was left dumbfounded and humbled by the sheer opulence on display. Quietly slipping back into my V8, I made my way back to Entebbe, fully aware that I had some serious catching up to do.

It’s moments like these that make you realize just how worlds apart the rich in Uganda and Kenya truly are. We’ve got a long way to go before we can even think about competing on that level. But hey, a little helicopter envy never hurt anyone, right?

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