
H.E. the President Yoweri Museveni and Maama Janet, the first lady, have hosted HRH the Kyabazinga Wilberforce Nadiope Gabula IV, of Busoga and his wife, HRH the Inebantu Jovia Mutesi to a luncheon at State House Entebbe

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H.E. the President Yoweri Museveni and Maama Janet, the first lady, have hosted HRH the Kyabazinga Wilberforce Nadiope Gabula IV, of Busoga and his wife, HRH the Inebantu Jovia Mutesi to a luncheon at State House Entebbe to congratulate the Kyabazinga on his marriage which took place on 18th November 2023

The King was accompanied by other  royals, abambedda nabalangira, Members of Parliament, Public officers, Busoga elders, clan leaders, LC5 chairpersons and Mayors, RDCs, Religious leaders and the Busoga Royal Wedding committee.

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