
Youth Literature Competition

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Attention all young wordsmiths, aspiring writers, and literature enthusiasts between the ages of 18 and 30! ????????️ Discover the power of your words and unlock your creative potential by participating in our exciting literature competition! We are calling upon the brilliant minds of the youth to come forward and showcase their literary talents. This is your chance to shine and make a name for yourself in the world of literature! Whether you have a passion for poetry, short stories, or novels, this competition is the perfect platform to share your unique voice and imagination with the world.

???? By participating, not only will you have the chance to win amazing prizes, but this competition is a fantastic opportunity to hone your writing skills, gain recognition for your work, and take your literary journey to new heights. So, what are you waiting for? Don’t let your literary talents remain hidden in the shadows! Embrace the challenge, let your imagination run wild, and submit your best piece of writing to our literature competition.

???? We cannot wait to read your captivating stories, enchanting poems, and imaginative narratives. Take a leap of faith, and together, let’s celebrate the extraordinary talent of the youth in literature!

Here are the competition details:
– Category: Youth Literacy/Poetry Competition
– Theme: Open, feel free to explore any topic that captures your imagination!
– Eligibility: Open to all youth between the ages of 18 – 30 years
– Submission Deadline: August 29th
– Guidelines: Submit short poems or short story via

Good luck, young writers! We believe in you and your limitless potential!

Best regards,

*UNAA Dallas Youth Committee*

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