
KCCA Executive Director, Dorothy Kisaka leads Members of (COSASE) on a city Tour of roads in fulfillment of their roles.

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The Parliamentary Members of the Committee on Commissions, Statutory Authorities and State Enterprises visited Mulago hill today. The team was led by the KCCA Executive Director, Dorothy Kisaka to tour the city in fulfillment of their roles. Mulago hill gives a clear view of the Bahai temple and the Entebbe express highway.

Thd Parliamentary team is chaired by Hon. Joel Senyonyi. KCCA has constructed a road from the cancer institute on top of the hill and all the way down the hill, running a distance of 1.7km. Engineer Nyende the contract manager said the goal was to ensure that the equipment installed at the cancer institute shouldn’t be affected by dust which would render them unusable. The team took a tour of the road to verify the works done by KCCA.

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