
Uganda’s Vice President H.E Jessica Alupo Epel at NBS Housing Baraza

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Vice President H.E Jessica Epel Alupo with the lands,Housing and Urban DevelopmentĀ  MinisterĀ  Hon.Princess Persis Namuganza.



the State Minister for Lands, Housing and Urban Development (Lands) in the Cabinet of Uganda being welcomed by Joe Kigozi, the Next Media General Manager.




DATEĀ Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā  :Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā  14th OCTOBER, 2021



TIMEĀ Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā  :Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā  09.00 AM

The Chief Executive Officer NBS, Kin Kariisa,

Hon. Ministers,

Hon. Members of Parliament,

All participants in the NBS Housing Baraza,

Ladies and Gentlemen.

Let me begin by thanking the organizers for honoring me with an invitation to preside over the opening ceremony of the 3rd edition of the NBS Housing Baraza. I have no doubt that this forum will accord the participants and those who will be listening in, the opportunity to deliberate and explore varied topics affecting Ugandaā€™s housing sector.

Vice President H.E Jessica Epel Alupo.

Decent housing, Ladies and Gentlemen, is a basic human right, which everybody deserves. Unfortunately, due to poor infrastructure planning; most of our houses/homesteads fall below the required standards. This is further complicated by rural urban immigration in search of greener pastures which has led to pressure on the available housing infrastructure.

Vice President H.E Jessica Epel Alupo with the lands,Housing and Urban DevelopmentĀ  MinisterĀ  Hon.Princess Persis Namuganza.

There is urgent need, therefore, to address this problem especially given the fact that the population of Uganda is projected to increase to about 49 million by year 2030. Ā This problem can be sustainably addressed by proper planning and quality assurance at all levels ā€“ beginning with cities, municipalities, town councils and trading centres across the country.

Vice President H.E Jessica Epel Alupo (R) with the lands,Housing and Urban DevelopmentĀ  MinisterĀ  Hon.Princess Persis Namuganza(L).

I note with gratitude that this yearā€™s NBS Housing Baraza edition is addressing the shortage of housing in the Country which is partly caused by increased urbanization. I am equally convinced that this edition will offer all stakeholders an opportunity to identify innovations especially those that reduce on the cost of acquisition while increasing the quality of housing in the Country.

Vice President H.E Jessica Epel Alupo (R) with the lands,Housing and Urban DevelopmentĀ  MinisterĀ  Hon.Princess Persis Namuganza(L).

Ladies and Gentlemen, whereas the shortage of housing is a sad reality, we do not need only more houses in this Country. What we need most are decent houses. This is echoed very well in the theme that you chose to guide the proceedings of your deliberations i.e. ā€˜Celebrating Housing champions-Recognizing Ingenuity in the Quest to Provide and Obtain Decent Housing.ā€™

Vice President H.E Jessica Epel Alupo.

According to the National Development plan 2015-2020, Uganda needs at least 2.6 million new housing units within the next 30 years if it is to keep pace with its growing population. I believe that this claim raises numerous challenges and opportunities for all stakeholders in the housing value chain. Among the numerous opportunities the housing sector has opened up, is the expansion of the real-estate sub-sector. Real-estate is interlinked with other industries that produce cement, bricks, tiles, steel bars and many others.Ā  Fortunately, most of these items as you will appreciate, are manufactured in this Country using local materials.Ā  This means that the housing sectors contribution to the Countryā€™s GDP cannot be overemphasized.

Ladies and Gentlemen, Government nevertheless recognizes the challenges that characterize the housing industry in Uganda. The challenges include substandard housing and overcrowding, among others. Ā The NRM Government will, therefore, continue to address these bottlenecks to offer its people affordable decent housing by, among other things:

  • Enhancing wealth and job creation programs that will raise citizensā€™ income levels to enable them afford decent housing.
  • Proper planning through the Ministry of Lands, Housing and Urban Development.
  • Sensitizing the population on need to have quality houses.
  • Support and attract more private sector players in the housing sector to provide low cost materials and/or houses to our people.

During your deliberations, I invite all the participants to incorporate in your discussions; issues focusing on decent but affordable houses, proper planning at all levels, sensitization of the population on need to have decent houses.

Finally, I would like to appreciate the efforts of NBS Housing baraza under the leadership of the Chief Executive Officer, Mr. Kin Kariisa. I am convinced that the two daysā€™ activities will mainstream discussions about the housing shortage in Uganda; and generate practical solutions for this challenge.

I wish everybody fruitful deliberations; and I look forward to receiving from you, positive suggestions and recommendations regarding the housing industry in Uganda. I now have the pleasure to declare the 3rd Edition of the NBS Housing Baraza, officially open.

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