
NRM Transformer Cadres call for debate on Transition and Term limits.

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By Julius Mugaga/ KMA Updates.

Lugogo, Kampala-Uganda: NRM leaning Transformer Cadres Association Uganda has called resumption of a debate geared to restore Presidential term limits and transition process.

A delegation of Transformer Cadres Association Uganda paying attention to the address by their President. Photo by Julius Mugaga.

Transformer Cadres Association Uganda is a forum that brings together all victims of NRM primary election and the Independent Electoral Commission general elections of 2021.

Speaking during the Association’s first Delegates Conference at Kati-Kati Hotel yesterday, Adupa Ongwech Felix, the President of the Association as well former Kioga county contestant, noted that there is a great need for the two areas as this will portray the desired democracy in the country.

Adupa Ongwech Felix, President, Transformer Cadres Association Uganda addressing the delegation yesterday. Photo by Julius Mugaga.

He noted that it is worth for the NRM government to lend them ears because they have constructive ideologies that are necessary to the party and the country at large.

He says their aim is not getting sympathy of the party but contributing to the party’s power consolidation and forward looking of the nation.

In the same way, Faridah Nakalawa, the Vice President of the Association highlighted that their major aim is to form a solid block amongst themselves for their continued relevancy in the daily running of Uganda and mainstream involvement in the NRM government’s development programs.

Faridah Nakalawa, Vice President of Transformer Cadres Association Uganda addressing the delegation yesterday. Photo by Julius Mugaga.

Speaking to Hon. Henry Banyenzaki, a member of the Association as well former State Minister for Economic planning, office of the President and Member of Parliament of Rubanda County in the present day Rubanda District noted that term limits and transition debate is necessary.

Hon. Henry Banyenzaki, Influential member of Transformer Cadres Association Uganda addressing journalists yesterday. Photo by Julius Mugaga.

Banyenzaki says, having restored term limits, will save the country form presidents who would like to cling on power because the constitution will be barring them.

He also informed that, as Cadres, they are looking forward proposing for two chambers of parliament with the Lower and Senate, which Senate will comprise on highly experienced and long serving legislators who will sieve issues from the lower parliament and discus them with the Ugandans.

In addition, Banyenzaki believes that the regional tier would be good for Ugandans and would like if possible, they would be allowed and hit the grass root to present all these ideas to Ugandans then collect their views through referendum.

At the moment, Transformers Cadre Association Uganda is a fully registered forum with a fully-fledged cabinet and regional coordinators countrywide.

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