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Man jailed for three years for selling ‘dodgy boxes’ was Robin Hood figure

A father-of-two who sold ‘dodgy’ Firesticks to people who could not afford a Sky subscription access to Premier League football was described as a ‘Robin Hood’ figure in court.
Jonathan Edge (29) from Liverpool had provided a service to people who would probably not be able to afford it otherwise, his lawyer argued.
However, Edge, who had been remanded in custody at the end of last month was sentenced to more than three years in jail at Liverpool Crown Court after pleading guilty to three offences under the Fraud Act.
Edge, who had been separately sentence for accessing and viewing the content he supplied, uploaded the content onto Firesticks and was paid cash in hand at his home, investigation found.
Even though he had been warned on several occasions to stop, he continued to upload the illegal material.
Julian Nutter, defending, argued Edge was somewhat acting as a ‘Robin Hood’ figure by giving people who would struggle to afford a Sky subscription access to the games.
“Whether or not he made a significant profit is an issue which is raised,” he said.
“The point should be made on his behalf that the people who would buy his products would not be people who are likely to have the money to buy a Sky subscription.”
“They have limited income,” he added. “The people he would be been dealing with in the Merseyside area would hardly be the same as toffs in London who would have money coming in from the city.
“He was providing a service to people who would probably not be able to afford it otherwise. There’s an element of a Robin Hood to all that.”
Premier League General Counsel, Kevin Plumb, said the significant sentence handed down, “once again serves to highlight the severity of his actions and we thank Merseyside Police for their support throughout the case”.
“We will continue to pursue legal action against those supplying unauthorised access to Premier League football, regardless of the scale or mode of operation. Ignoring warnings to stop only served to make the consequences worse for the individual.
“The selling of broadcast rights supports the Premier League’s industry-leading financial contribution to the whole football pyramid and we’re pleased that the courts have once again recognised the importance of safeguarding these rights with the outcome of this case.
“No matter the scale, we will continue to protect these rights by carrying out investigations and prosecuting illegal operators at every level.”
The Premier League were supported in their case by Merseyside Police and intellectual property protection agency FACT that has been leading a clampdown on illegal streaming in recent months.
There has been a clampdown on illegal Firesticks in recent months, with three men arrested back in July as police warned they were targeting more offenders.
Fans were also warned by an anti-piracy agency in September that they were at risk of being hacked if they continued to stream matches illegally.
Detective Sergeant Steve Frame from Merseyside Police added: “’Merseyside Police is committed to working in collaboration to investigate intellectual property theft and we welcome today’s sentence handed to Edge.
“Many people see no harm in illegally streaming TV services but they are wrong, and this outcome should serve as a further warning how seriously such copyright theft continues to be taken.’