
Tens of thousands march for peace in Berlin

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TENS of thousands of protesters marched through the streets of Berlin today to demand an end to the wars in Lebanon, Palestine and Ukraine.

The national demonstration, held under the slogan “No to war, yes to peace and international solidarity,” takes place every year to commemorate the day when the former German Democratic Republic was annexed by the Western-allied Federal Republic of Germany.

A rally in Tiergarten Park heard calls from peace campaigners, left politicians and trade unionists for a ceasefire in the conflicts that threaten world peace.

Among the speakers were Bundestag members Sahra Wagenknecht, who leads her own party, and Ralf Stegner of the ruling Social Democrats (SPD).

Though Mr Stegner is a dissenting voice within the SPD, some boos could be heard from the audience as he spoke.

Ms Wagenknecht welcomed the broad base of the demonstration and called for opposition to the continuing US military build-up in Germany.

Peace activist Andreas Grunwald told the rally: “We come from many parts of Germany and we are united by the will to win peace.”

Socialist German Workers Youth federal chairwoman Andrea Hornung warned: “A major war is currently being planned, which is directed primarily against Russia and China.”

Iris Hefets of the Jewish Voice for Just Peace in the Middle East slammed German complicity in Israel’s Gaza genocide, as did many of the participants.

Speaking from the rally, Communist Party of Britain international secretary Kevan Nelson told the Morning Star: “It is encouraging to witness such a groundswell of support in Nato’s largest European member state for a peaceful resolution of current wars in the Middle East and Ukraine.

“German workers are bearing the brunt of short-sighted EU/US-imposed sanctions on trade with Russia.”

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