
Ukrainian Special Operation Forces use Black Hornet nano-drone in the Kursk oblast

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Ukrainian Special Operation Forces use Black Hornet nano-drone in the Kursk oblast

In the Kursk oblast, Ukrainian Special Forces are using Black Hornet reconnaissance nano-drones.

Soldiers of the UA REG TEAM unit of the Special Operations Forces demonstrated the use of this drone in combat conditions.

The Black Hornet is used to save the groups’ forces and resources. The nano-drone helps with reconnaissance of every crevice of enemy targets.

The drone, the military shares, is very quiet and almost invisible in operation.

Developed by the Norwegian company Prox Dynamics, it weighs only 18 g and can operate for 25 minutes without recharging.

With a main rotor diameter of 120 mm, the drone reaches a speed of over 20 km/h and has a flight range of about 2 km. The entire kit weighs about 1.3 kg.

This UAV is easy to operate, quite robust, and hard to detect, so it is well-suited for combat in urban environments.

It can be spotted in the sky from 50 meters away. In the background of a plantation or a wall, it is difficult to spot it from 20 meters.

Нано-дрон Black Hornet українських ССО на Курщині. Вересень 2024. Кадр з відео підрозділу UA REG TEAM

The drones, tablets, and remote controls have their own pouches with a mounting system for ease of transportation. This is all for the military’s comfort and high-quality work.

However, such modern equipment is also quite expensive. A set of two drones, a charger, and a control tablet can cost up to several tens of thousands of dollars.

A highly specialized drone is well suited for reconnaissance of premises, landings, and areas where a group of military personnel will enter to perform a task.

In 2023, the United States Army ordered Black Hornet 3 nano-drones for $94 million.


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