
Hamas condemns terrorist aggression on Beirut’s southern suburb

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Hamas condemns terrorist aggression on Beirut’s southern suburb

The Islamic Resistance Movement Hamas condemned on Friday, in the strongest terms: “The ongoing brutal Zionist aggression and escalation against the brotherly Lebanese people, through barbaric raids, the latest of which was a Zionist raid that targeted residential buildings in Haret Hreik in the southern suburb of Beirut, and the occupation’s claim of targeting Mr Hasan Nasrallah, secretary-general of Hezbollah.”

The movement conveyed in their statement: “The escalating Zionist terrorism against the brotherly Lebanese people because of their support for the Palestinian people and their stand against the genocide in the Gaza Strip, and the blood that is being shed as a result of this Zionist crime committed in both Palestine and Lebanon, requires our Arab and Islamic nation to end its silence. We must move by all means and in all international forums, rejecting the American bias and support for this brutal aggression in support of the values ​​of chivalry and nobility in standing with the Palestinian and Lebanese peoples against the aggressive plans of the Zionist occupation.”

It added: “We reiterate our absolute solidarity with the brotherly Lebanese people, the brothers in Hezbollah and the Islamic Resistance in Lebanon. We share their pain and hope for victory over the Zionist enemy, and we appreciate and commend their sacrifices and steadfastness in support of our people and our resistance and in response and defence of the brotherly Lebanese people.”

“The occupation and its Nazi leaders are delusional in believing that by committing the most heinous massacres against the Palestinian and Lebanese nations, or by targeting the leaders and men of the resistance, they will achieve their malicious goals, or they will achieve an imaginary victory that will extinguish the flame of the resistance, its strength, its continuity and the popular support base that backs it.”

Earlier on Friday, the Israeli occupation army’s warplanes launched a series of violent raids on various locations in the southern suburb of the Lebanese capital, Beirut. Massive explosions were heard in Beirut, and thick clouds of smoke covered the sky.

A source close to Hezbollah confirmed: “Six buildings were razed to the ground as a result of the Israeli raids on the southern suburb.”

The source explained that the targeted area in the suburb was hit with 2,000-pound bunker-buster bombs.

Israel’s Israel Hayom newspaper reported: “The security agency is on high alert in anticipation of the possibility that Hezbollah will break the rules following the attack and launch heavy attacks on Israel.”

Middle East Monitor

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