
Video shows Gepard shooting down Russian suicide drone

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A new video released by the Ukrainian NGO Come Back Alive shows a Shahed suicide drone being shot down by a German-made Flakpanzer Gepard, a self-propelled anti-aircraft system that has become a crucial part of Ukraine’s defense against Russian aerial threats.

The Gepard system, which features two 35mm autocannons, has been instrumental in protecting Ukraine’s airspace since the start of Russia’s full-scale invasion in February 2022.

“One of the air defense units that received over 10 million UAH in assistance from us successfully neutralized an enemy drone this morning,” Come Back Alive shared in the video post, highlighting the vital role of both military hardware and civilian support in Ukraine’s ongoing defense efforts.

The Gepard anti-aircraft system, known for its mobility and precision, was supplied to Ukraine by Germany, with 52 systems delivered in recent months. Ukraine’s air defense has also been strengthened by the acquisition of 60 additional Cheetah PRTL systems, a Netherlands modification of the Gepard, purchased by the U.S. from Jordan earlier in 2024.


The Gepard, with its rapid-firing autocannons, has proven highly effective against drone swarms, especially in urban and frontline settings.

For example, a Gepard unit deployed near Odesa was able to shoot down 10 Iranian drones in quick succession, showcasing the system’s ability to respond rapidly to multiple targets. Gepard-equipped mobile air defense teams have been integral to defending Kyiv and frontline areas against continuous aerial threats.

Despite its success, Ukraine faces a significant challenge in maintaining the ammunition supply needed for the Gepard systems. The shortage of 35mm rounds remains a critical issue as the country seeks to keep its air defenses operational at full capacity.


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