
Uralvagonzavod rolls out new batch of T-90M tanks for Russia

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A fresh batch of T-90 Proryv tanks, now ready for action, was recently dispatched to the Russian army from Uralvagonzavod. This delivery was confirmed by the company, with Russia’s state television channel Russia 1 highlighting the tank’s production process.

Uralvagonzavod rolls out new batch of T-90M tanks for Russia
Photo credit: Uralvagonzavod

Since the conflict in Ukraine began, multiple shipments of T-90M tanks have reached the Russian forces. By January 2023, Uralvagonzavod [UVZ], Russia’s premier tank producer, proudly announced several successful deliveries, with production lines operating non-stop.

Reports suggest that UVZ has successfully delivered at least three significant contracts for T-90M tanks, with the most recent shipments arriving by August 6, 2024. While specific numbers remain uncertain, estimates indicate that over 200 T-90M tanks have been produced and delivered since the conflict’s onset.

Uralvagonzavod rolls out new batch of T-90M tanks for Russia
Photo credit: Uralvagonzavod

Western military experts present a mixed bag of opinions on the T-90M’s performance in the Ukraine conflict. Michael Peck remarked on the tank’s supposed prowess, noting, “The T-90M Proryv seems impressive, but Russian tanks always look good until they are actually used in combat.” This underscores a recurring doubt about the tank’s real-world effectiveness despite its advanced features.

Maya Carlin observed that, despite being built to counter NATO’s modern tanks, “the T-90 has had a rough performance in Ukraine, highlighting flaws in Russian military strategy and technology.” This points to a larger issue with the overall effectiveness of Russian armor in the conflict. 

She also highlighted that the T-90M “hasn’t lived up to the Kremlin’s expectations in Ukraine,” noting that a significant number of these tanks have been either captured or destroyed by Ukrainian forces. This reality seriously damages their image as a powerful armored force.

Uralvagonzavod rolls out new batch of T-90M tanks for Russia
Photo credit: Uralvagonzavod

General Mark Milley remarked that “Russian armored formations have been decimated in Ukraine,” indirectly including the T-90M among the tanks that have faced substantial losses.

These insights offer a critical view of the T-90M’s performance, implying that despite its technological advancements, the tank has faced significant challenges in the operational environment of Ukraine.

Western experts largely agree with their Russian counterparts, a sentiment that’s unsurprising given the geopolitical tension surrounding the war in Ukraine and the propaganda that flows from both sides. In 2023, Russian President Vladimir Putin extolled the virtues of the T-90M, asserting, “The T-90 is the best tank in the world without any exaggeration. Both our tankers and the enemy recognize it as the best in the world.” 

Two US Bradley IFVs disable a Russian T-90M tank in a 10min combat
Video screenshot

Dylan Malyasov points out that the T-90M is equipped with advanced features like a comprehensive protection system and a state-of-the-art fire control system. Meanwhile, Peter Suchu highlights the tank’s upgraded capabilities, including its ability to launch anti-tank guided missiles and enhanced defensive mechanisms. He emphasizes that these modernizations significantly contribute to the tank’s formidable reputation on the battlefield.

By September 2024, Ukrainian forces have reportedly managed to take out over 100 T-90M tanks amid the ongoing conflict. This includes 53 tanks that have been visually confirmed as destroyed, with additional units potentially damaged or abandoned. 

The T-90M stands as one of the most advanced variants in the T-90 tank series and serves as a pivotal element in the Russian armored forces. Blending cutting-edge technology with the time-tested durability of its predecessors, this main battle tank is a key asset on any battlefield.

T-90M's thermal camera matrix is Russian-made under French license
Photo credit: Reddit

The tank’s primary weapon is a 125mm smoothbore gun, versatile enough to fire guided missiles, armor-piercing rounds, and high-explosive shells. This powerful armament is further enhanced by an advanced fire control system, which significantly improves target acquisition and accuracy, even under challenging conditions.

The T-90M tank is armed with a versatile arsenal, including a 7.62mm PKT coaxial machine gun and a 12.7mm NSVT anti-aircraft machine gun. These weapons provide effective engagement options against both infantry and low-flying threats.

Regarding mobility, the T-90M is equipped with a V-92S2 diesel engine that produces about 1,000 horsepower. This robust engine allows the tank to reach speeds of roughly 60 km/h [37 mph] on roads and close to 40 km/h [25 mph] off-road.

UVZ sent one trainload of T-90M Proryv tanks to the Russian Army
Video screenshot

The T-90M tank offers impressive range, covering up to 550 kilometers [342 miles] on flat terrain. This gives it substantial operational flexibility. The chassis is built to navigate various types of terrain, featuring a torsion-bar suspension system that boosts both stability and maneuverability.

One of the T-90M’s most notable attributes is its armor protection. It incorporates composite armor paired with reactive armor elements, substantially increasing its survivability against contemporary anti-tank threats. The tank is also fitted with the Arena active protection system, which detects and neutralizes incoming projectiles, significantly strengthening its defensive measures. 

On top of that, the T-90M is equipped with advanced electronic systems, including state-of-the-art communication and navigation technology. These enhancements improve situational awareness and streamline battlefield coordination.

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