Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia have urged the European Union to construct a defense line along the border with Russia and Belarus. This initiative aims to safeguard the EU from military threats and other hazardous actions by Moscow, as stated in a letter from the countries’ leaders to the President of the European Council, according to a Reuters report.
The project to build a protective system for the EU’s 450-million population requires financial support from all member countries. “Building a defence infrastructure system along the EU external border with Russia and Belarus will address the dire and urgent need to secure the EU from military and hybrid threats,” the letter states.

Creating the system along the 700 km border of the EU with Russia and Belarus will cost approximately €2.5 billion. “The scale and costs of this joint endeavour require a dedicated EU action to support it both politically and financially. … Extraordinary measures need to be employed as the EU’s external border must be protected and defended with military and civilian means,” emphasize the leaders of Poland and the Baltic countries.
According to the appeal initiators, the creation of the EU’s defense line should be coordinated with NATO and meet the Alliance’s military requirements.
Belgian army chief Michel Hofman stated last December that after Ukraine, Putin may attack the Baltic countries and Moldova. German Defense Minister Boris Pistorius said Europe has between 5 and 8 years to “make up for lost time” in the defense sector to confront new threats.