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Kampala Uganda: A high-level meeting chaired by the First Deputy Prime Minister, Rt. Hon. Rebecca Kadaga on August 21, 2024 at the Office of the Prime Minister, has decided on an interim solid waste management plan for greater Kampala Metropolitan area.
The meeting was attended by the Ministers of Local government, Rafael Magezi, minister for Kampala Hajjati Minsa Kabanda, General Katumba minister for works and Transport and the KCCA Executive Director Dorothy Kisaka. Others who attended are the mayors of Greater  Kampala Metropolitan area, that is the Lord Mayor Kampala City, the Mayor for  Entebbe, Kiira, Wakiso and Mukono, town clerks and other technocrats.
The meeting made the following decisions to address the garbage challenges arising from the collapse of the garbage piles in Kiteezi. These are;
1. They noted that Katabi in Entebbe is not well suited to manage the large of volume of garbage coming in from the Greater Kampala Metropolitan area. Therefore all garbage trucks which have been depositing garbage in Kiteezi are re-channeled to deposit in  Katikolo in Mukono District and Menvu in Busukuma, Nansana District.
2. The Ministry of Works shall immediately deploy equipment to work on the road access to the identified sites in Katikolo and Menvu and likewise KCCA shall commence works on the Menvu landfill
3. A re-settlement plan for displaced residents of Kiteezi has been commissioned to be prepared by KCCA in conjunction with the Ministry of lands and urban development, to relocate the people from the 200 meters buffer zone at Kiteezi landfill to Ddundu in Mukono as an alternative land within GKMA
4. KCCA will continue the works at Kiteezi to stabilise the garbage slopes, create drainage channels, demarcation of the 200M buffer zone and carry out all other necessary works for effective management of the landfill
KCCA appeals to all Kampala residents to observe the 3Rs rule in garbage management, Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle waste. Additionally, sort at source by separating organic from plastic and metal items. Disposal of garbage in unauthorized places is illegal. Lets us work together for a smart city!

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