Views: 7
All nations represented in the Premier League
Albania | Faroe Islands | New Zealand |
Algeria | Finland | Nigeria |
Angola | France | North Macedonia |
Antigua and Barbuda | Gabon | Northern Ireland |
Argentina | Gambia | Norway |
Armenia | Georgia | Oman |
Australia | Germany | Pakistan |
Austria | Ghana | Paraguay |
Barbados | Gibraltar | Peru |
Belarus | Greece | Philippines |
Belgium | Grenada | Poland |
Benin | Guadeloupe | Portugal |
Bermuda | Guatemala | Rep of Ireland |
Bolivia | Guinea | Romania |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | Guinea-Bissau | Russia |
Brazil | Guyana | Scotland |
Bulgaria | Honduras | Senegal |
Burkina Faso | Hungary | Serbia |
Burundi | Iceland | Seychelles |
Cabo Verde | Indonesia | Sierra Leone |
Cameroon | Iran | Slovakia |
Canada | Iraq | Slovenia |
Central African Republic | Israel | South Africa |
Chile | Italy | Spain |
China | Jamaica | St Kitts and Nevis |
Colombia | Japan | Suriname |
Congo | Kenya | Sweden |
Congo DR | South Korea | Switzerland |
Costa Rica | Kosovo | Syria |
Cote d’Ivoire | Latvia | Tanzania |
Croatia | Liberia | Togo |
Cuba | Lithuania | Trinidad and Tobago |
Curacao | Mali | Tunisia |
Cyprus | Malta | Turkey |
Czechia | Martinique | Ukraine |
Denmark | Mauritania | Uruguay |
Dominican Republic | Mexico | USA |
Ecuador | Montenegro | Venezuela |
Egypt | Montserrat | Wales |
England | Morocco | Zambia |
Equatorial Guinea | Netherlands | Zimbabwe |
Estonia |