
Former President of Kytherian Association of Australia Emmanuel Alfieris passes away aged 53 – Neos Kosmos

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The community is in deep mourning after the sudden passing of one of its esteemed figures, Emmanuel Alfieris, at the age of 53.

The former President of the Kytherian Association of Australia (2018-2022) suffered a fatal heart attack in Sydney on Wednesday 17 July while playing a football match.

He is survived by his father George, wife Louise and his two children.

In addition to his contributions to the KAA, he was a noted volunteer and Board member at All Saints Greek Orthodox Parish and Community at Belmore for many years.

He had a keen interest in the promotion of Hellenism in Australia, leaving a great impression on the community as a whole.

The KAA provided a statement expressing their deep sadness for the passing of their former President, reflecting on his tremendous character.

“His kind spirit, unfailing generosity, great vision, passion for life, unwavering faith, and his big bright smile will be missed by us all. We have lost an amazing person, heaven has gained another angel. Farewell dear friend,” they said in a Facebook post.

All Saints Greek Orthodox Parish and Community of Belmore and District echoed this sentiment, saying on their Facebook page:

“Emmanuel was a man of integrity, vision and much love. He was a big supporter of all initiatives undertaken by both our Parish and School. For this we are grateful. Emmanuel’s kind spirit and warmth will be missed. We extend our deepest condolences to his family and friends during this difficult time. May the Good Lord grant him rest and may his memory be eternal.”

Tributes have come from many other directions in our community, further indicating the great impression he has left behind.

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