
Faruk Kirunda, Deputy Press Secretary to President Museveni, loses wife in fatal car accident

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  • ladys Aliyinza, wife of Faruk Kirunda, Deputy Press Secretary to President Museveni, tragically lost her life in a fatal collision with a sugarcane truck in Busoga


Tragic news has shaken Busoga as Gladys Aliyinza, wife of Faruk Kirunda, Deputy Press Secretary to President Yoweri Museveni, lost her life in a devastating road accident. The incident occurred when Aliyinza’s vehicle collided head-on with a sugarcane truck in the district. Aliyinza, a prominent political figure vying for the Luuka Woman parliamentary seat, died instantly alongside her political assistant, Yusuf Biita. The driver is currently in critical condition at Musana Health Centre in Kaliro Town.

Witnesses described the Isuzu double cabin pickup overturning multiple times before stopping, while the sugarcane truck also overturned, leaving the condition of its occupants uncertain. Kirunda, who had recently returned from a pilgrimage in Mecca, is devastated by his wife’s sudden death. The news has reverberated through Uganda’s political community, prompting an outpouring of condolences nationwide.

This tragic accident underscores Uganda’s perilous road conditions, which claim numerous lives annually. As the country mourns Aliyinza’s loss, there is renewed urgency for enhanced road safety measures to avert future tragedies.

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