
As UK election betting scandal intensifies, is ‘angry’ Sunak sunk?

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UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak attends a Conservative general election campaign event, in Edinburgh on Monday.

British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak said on Monday he would act on any findings of wrongdoing from an internal investigation into a damaging betting scandal that could punish him further at a July 4 election he is expected to lose.

His Conservative Party trails the opposition Labour Party by around 20 points in UK polls and Sunak’s campaign has failed to take off amid a series of mis-steps, including his decision to leave D-Day commemorations early.

The campaign has been further damaged by revelations that several party officials and candidates are being investigated for allegedly betting on the date of the election before it was announced.

Sunak has said he was “incredibly angry” to hear of the allegations, which are being investigated by the Gambling Commission, and told reporters he was not aware of any other candidates being investigated.

“We have been in parallel conducting our own internal inquiries, and will of course act on any relevant findings or information,” Sunak told broadcasters after a campaign event in Edinburgh.

Labour leader Keir Starmer criticized Sunak’s handling of events, saying it showed weakness.

“Rishi Sunak needs to show some leadership,” he told reporters. “If these were my candidates… they’d be gone”.

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